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Welcome to the land of Super Heroes Platotia where its beautiful and the wildest things can happen. The people here are very generous and kind. Its like.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the land of Super Heroes Platotia where its beautiful and the wildest things can happen. The people here are very generous and kind. Its like."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the land of Super Heroes Platotia where its beautiful and the wildest things can happen. The people here are very generous and kind. Its like walking into a fantasy were your dreams can come. People here are all mutants that have powers. EVERYONE IS WELCOMED

2  The beautiful land of Platotia will have very nice weather for our crops and trees to grow. Some days it will be hot, cold, rainy, or warm. It depends on the month. Platotia will be liter free.

3  IF ANY OF THESE ;AWS ARE BROKIN YOU WILL BE STRIPPED OF YOUR SUPER POWERS OR SENT TO JAIL ONLY GET 3 STRIKES!!!!!!!!!!!  No Littering  No Trespassing  No Smoking  No Villans  No Vandalizing  Not able to use powers during classes that DONT require power.  Must have a liscence to use powers 15 and up.  Do not use powers to control people of authority.

4 If you these laws and rules are not followed. You will be stripped from your super powers and sent directly to prison. There are only 3 strikes you can get.

5  Platotia will smell very fresh & clean. The air will not be cloggy with bad fumes. Because some of our people will be able to fly, teleport, or have the power of super speed.But for those who don’t have those kind of powers will be able to use the nearest teleportation machine.

6  The people of Platotia will all come in different shape and sizes. Some will be very flexible, skinny, small, fat, or maybe appear as smoke. Anything can happen in Platotia.

7 Professor X will run the government. He is a very wise man. Who can read and control minds. He will no what’s good and what’s bad for the land of Platotia.

8  No using powers in school only in classes that require it.  No smoking  No Drinking  No Bullying  No Controlling people of AUTHORITY

9  School will be held in the sky. In order to get there is by flight bus. The flight bus will be used like a airplane to fly the students to school. Powers will not be used in class only in classes that require power. Elementary will be from Pre-K-6 th grade. Middle School will start from 7 th grade-9 th grade. And High School will start 10 th grade – 12 th grade.

10 By: Napoleon Hull

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