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By: Heather Spooner. Service Learning Car Washes for American Heart Association Doug Henderson Memorial Golf Tournament Relay for Life Church Clean up.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Heather Spooner. Service Learning Car Washes for American Heart Association Doug Henderson Memorial Golf Tournament Relay for Life Church Clean up."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Heather Spooner

2 Service Learning Car Washes for American Heart Association Doug Henderson Memorial Golf Tournament Relay for Life Church Clean up Teaching children church Getting groceries for a cancer patient

3 Cont… Service learning is the incorporation of community service within an educational system. In my words, I believe that service learning is anything you do to help someone. You will learn something new everyday.

4 Important to me Service learning is important to me because it helps me connect with my community. I learn so much about the people around me, and it makes me feel good that I have helped someone.

5 Church Clean-up after tornado.

6 Children Church Class

7 They love me !

8 We were making a scroll.

9 Siloh

10 Refection It has touched my heart to get to work with children in my church. I love to watch them grow up into the young people that will continue our church.

11 Relay for Life

12 Setting up the tent

13 I love candy !

14 He was the balloon man.

15 She was the balloon girl.

16 Will I continue? Relay showed me how much good this school can actually do. We banded together for a good cause and raised a lot of money. I have changed over the past two semester because of the service learning I have done. I feel I am a better, more understand person. Yes, I will continue.

17 My Reason, My Mimi


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