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20s Culture Review Nativism and Immigration issues Prohibition and its effects Rise of entertainment and mass media Advertising/Consumerism Jazz Age/Effects.

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Presentation on theme: "20s Culture Review Nativism and Immigration issues Prohibition and its effects Rise of entertainment and mass media Advertising/Consumerism Jazz Age/Effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 20s Culture Review Nativism and Immigration issues Prohibition and its effects Rise of entertainment and mass media Advertising/Consumerism Jazz Age/Effects of Great Migration/Harlem Renaissance Fundamentalism vs Modernism Women in the 20s Innovations (flight, Model T, radio, talkies)

2 In what ways did the lifestyle of the 1920s cause the Great Depression?

3 Republican Presidents (GOP) High tariffs Low taxes for the wealthy Laissez faire economics Isolationism

4 End of War War Industries Board falls Cummins Transportation Act: private consolidation of railroads Merchant Marine Act: Shipping Board shrinks navy considerably Daugherty fights against unions Protects veterans- Adjusted Compensation Act, Veterans Bureau Fordney McCumber Tariff

5 Harding “Return to normalcy” Return of the “Old Guard” Laissez faire economics Kills off Progressive reforms: Adkins v Children’s Hospital, antitrust laws aren’t enforced

6 Foreign Relations Four Power Treaty, Five Power Naval Treaty, Nine Power Naval Treaty Washington Disarmament Conference Kellog Briand Pact “Pact of Paris” “Isolationism” despite interest in Middle East

7 Corruption Tea Pot Dome Scandal Forbes: Stealing from Veterans Bureau Daugherty: illegal sale of pardons

8 Election of 1924

9 Silent Cal Coolidge The man who builds a factory builds a temple, that the man who works there worships there, and to each is due, not scorn and blame, but reverence and praise. Struggles of farmers: McHary Haugen Bill (purchases surpluses and sells overseas, vetoed twice) Creation of the “farm bloc” and the Capper Volstead Act Dawes Plan Andrew Mellon and the Mellonites Revenue Act of 1924: lowered income taxes, increased estate taxes

10 Herbert Hoover “Rugged individualism”, “self help” Agricultural Marketing Act- Federal Farm Board Hawley Smoot Tariff (2 nd highest of all US history) “trickle down economics”- Hoover Damn, Muscle Shoals Bill Reconstruction Finance Corporation Norris LaGuardia Anti Injunction Act Bonus Army



13 Foreign Issues Japan invades China Stinson Doctrine- America will not recognize land taken by force Good Neighbor Policy- non intervention and non interference

14 Causes of the Great Depression Overproduction of goods Drops in farm prices Droughts in Great Plains and Mississippi Valley Laissez faire economics Buying on credit Buying stocks on margin Speculative investments High tariffs (Smoot- Hawley) Gap in incomes

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