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January 2012 Appendix A: Independent Reviewing Service Report to Corporate Parenting Cabinet Committee.

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1 January 2012 Appendix A: Independent Reviewing Service Report to Corporate Parenting Cabinet Committee

2 The Independent Reviewing Officers Guidance Wales (WAG 2006) gives IROs the duty to ‘monitor’ the responsible authority's performance in relation to looked after children and young people IROs are expected to ‘improve care planning and decision making, and make an important contribution to the consistency of the of the responsible authority's approach

3 The Independent Reviewing Service in Bridgend is made up of 6 full time equivalent IROs The Guidance requires IROs to be experienced social workers at team manager level The Independent Reviewing Service in Bridgend has more than 170 years total experience

4 Most IROs have been team managers and within the team there is experience of working in different Welsh and English authorities and both independent and voluntary sectors IROs Chair Child Protection Conferences under the All Wales Child Protection Procedures and LAC Reviews under the IRO Guidance (Wales)

5 IRO Team - Bridgend Safeguarding Manager Independent Reviewing Service Manager Independent Reviewing Officer FTE Independent Reviewing Officer FTE Independent Reviewing Officer FTE Independent Reviewing Officer FTE Independent Reviewing Officer FTE Independent Reviewing Officer FTE

6 Number of Looked After Children in comparison to the pervious two quarters

7 Legal Status of Emergency LAC Admissions 01.07.11 – 30.09.11

8 Legal Status of Planned Admissions 01.07.11 – 30.09.11

9 Children who became looked after – analysis of age

10 LAC population by Age

11 LAC population by Gender

12 Period of Time for Children being Looked After

13 Future Data Care Plan Type Cease LAC reason Analysis of BLA circumstances

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