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UNIT5 MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES (DCA -p140-p156) Introduction TDMA, TDMA-Frame structure, TDMA-Burst structure TDMA-Frame efficiency, TDMA-superframe TDMA-Frame acquisition & Synchronization TDMA compared to FDMA TDMA Burst Time Plan Multiple Beam ( Satellite switched) TDMA satellite system Beam Hopping(Transponder Hopping) TDMA CDMA & hybrid access techniques.

2 MULTIPLE ACCESS Multiple access is the ability of a large number of earth stations to simultaneously interconnect their respective voice, data, teletype, facsimile and television lines through a satellite.

3 The basic problem involved in satellite communication is how to permit a changing group of earth stations to share a satellite in a way that optimizes 1) satellite capacity 2) spectrum utilization 3) satellite power 4) interconnectivity 5) flexibility 6) adaptability to different traffic mixes 7) cost 8) user acceptability

FDMA – All users share the satellite at the same time, but each transmits in its own unique frequency band including the guard band. Commonly employed with analog modulation. TDMA –The users transmit in their own unique time slots using the single carrier CDMA – Many earth stations simultaneously transmit orthogonally coded spread spectrum signals that occupy the same frequency band.

5 Capacity Allocation FDMA FAMA-FDMA DAMA-FDMA TDMA Advantages over FDMA

6 FDMA Satellite frequency is already broken into bands, and is broken in to smaller channels in Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA). Overall bandwidth within a frequency band is increased due to frequency reuse (a frequency is used by two carriers with orthogonal polarization).

7 FDMA (cont.) The number of sub-channels is limited by three factors:
Thermal noise (too weak a signal will be effected by background noise). Intermodulation noise (too strong a signal will cause noise). Crosstalk (cause by excessive frequency reusing).

8 FDMA (cont.) FDMA can be performed in two ways:
Fixed-assignment multiple access (FAMA): The sub-channel assignments are of a fixed allotment. Ideal for broadcast satellite communication. Demand-assignment multiple access (DAMA): The sub-channel allotment changes based on demand. Ideal for point to point communication.

9 TDMA TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) breaks a transmission into multiple time slots, each one dedicated to a different transmitter. TDMA is being used increasingly in satellite communication. TDMA uses the same techniques (FAMA and DAMA) as FDMA does.

10 TDMA (cont.) Advantages of TDMA over FDMA.
Digital equipment used in time division multiplexing has increasingly become cheaper. There are advantages in digital transmission techniques. Ex: error correction. Lack of intermodulation noise means increased efficiency.

11 TDMA Frame Structure

12 Time Division Multiple Access


14 Difference between TDM and TDMA
In TDM everything comes from the same transmitter and the clock and carrier frequencies do not change , while in TDMA each frame contains a number of independent transmissions. One advantage of TDMA is that it permits a transponder’s TWT to operate at or near saturation and thus it maximizes downlink C/N ratio.

15 In TDMA many earth stations in the satellite communication network use a single carrier for transmission via the satellite transponder on a time division basis. TYPES OF TDMA F-TDMA D-TDMA TDMA

16 Number of Voice Channels
The number of voice channels in a TDMA system is given by n=(R-NP/T)/r where r= Voice channel bit rate R=Satellite channel bit rate N=Number of bursts in a frame P=Number of digits in the preamble T= Frame period



19 Reference Burst Structure
Carrier and clock recovery Unique word Order wire channel Management Channel Transient timing channel Preamble(header) Signalling channel or control bits

20 TDMA Traffic Burst Structure
Preamble or Header Carrier and clock recovery Unique word Order wire channel Service channel Info burst 1 Info burst 2 Info burst N Traffic data Signalling channel or control bit ------


22 TDMA Frame Efficiency The TDMA frame efficiency ()depends on the ratio of the time devoted to transmission of information bits in the frame to the total frame length and is thus defined as  = Traffic bits/ total bits or  = 1-t/TF Where t represents the sum of all the guard times and preambles including the reference burst and is expressed as t =(n + 2 )P/R

23 TDMA frame efficiency Where R = Satellite transmission link bit rate ,
n = Number of traffic burst in a frame considering two reference bursts per frame , P = Number of bits in the preamble plus guard time, TF = Frame period To have better frame efficiency t should be small and TF should be large. In various digital communication satellites, Current frame efficiency is of the order 0.9

24 TDMA frame efficiency Once the frame efficiency is known the number of telephone or voice channels () that may be supported by a TDMA system is given by  = R/r  where r = Bit rate of a voice channel. R = Satellite transmission link rate  = TDMA frame efficiency


26 TDMA Or Master Super frame
TF nTF The orderly arrangement of sequential frames which increases the efficiency by reducing the overheads is called TDMA super frame or master frame.

27 TDMA Or Master Super frame
O identify the frames in a super frame a frame identification number is carried in the management channel or in a separate channel in the reference burst for each frame. Usually the identification number of frame, serves as superframe marker. When the number of stations N is a variable, demand assignment is used, then a superframe short burst(SSB) is transmitted at the super frame rate.


29 TDMA Frame Acquisition and Synchronization
It is the process to maintain the accuracy of TDMA during the transmission time and reception time . These processes helps in locating and controlling the traffic stations transmit burst time phase at the transmit side , and carry out the similar process at the receiving end.

30 Various Timings in TDMA
In TDMA various timing involved at the transmit and receive side are transmit frame timing (TFT),transmit burst timing (TBT) , Receive frame timing (RFT) and the receive burst timing (RBT) TFT = Start of station transmit frame TBT = Start of transmission of traffic burst to the satellite RFT = Instant of occurrence of last bit or symbol of primary reference bursts unique word RBT= Last bit or symbol of traffic burst unique word.

31 Various acquisition and synchronization processes
Receive frame acquisition (RFA) Transmit frame acquisition (TFA) Receive frame synchronization (RFS) Transmit frame synchronization (TFS)

The acquisition process is required when the traffic station enters or re-enters the operation. Techniques Closed loop acquisition Open loop acquisition

33 Closed loop acquisition
is obtained by transmitting either a low power burst , or a pseudo noise sequence modulated burst, observing its position , correcting it to an assigned position and then transmitting the traffic burst at full power. Open loop acquisition It is initiated by informing the station entering the network of the time shift DN relative to the reference burst at which the station should transmit a short burst consisting of a preamble and a unique word.

34 TDMA FRAME Synchronization
The synchronization is needed due to satellite’s movement in the orbit. Synchronization is achieved by introducing a transmit frame delay DN to mark the transmit frame timing of station N such as DN = MTf - 2dN/C Where M = smallest integer , value is such that DN ≥0 Tf = Frame period dN = distance between the satellites N C = velocity of light

35 In closed loop synchronization method or loop back method, Dn is determined by the earth station directly from monitoring its own transmission . In this the station observes the position of its own burst relative to the reference burst by measuring time interval between the reference burst unique word and the traffic burst unique word , computes the error and determines a new value for the delay Dn.

36 In open loop synchronization
This is the simplest method of transmit timing. A control station listens to the bursts and sends timing instructions back to each transmitting station.


38 TDMA Burst Time Plan Message data Burst time plan identification
Traffic station identification Number of transmit Bursts Number of receive bursts

39 TDMA Burst Time Plan Burst Data Burst identification
Transmit-receive Flag Transponder identification Burst Position Number of transmit-receive sub bursts

40 TDMA Burst Time Plan Sub burst Data
Transmit receive sub burst identification Sub burst position Sub burst Length


In beam hopping TDMA the switching is achieved by each station hopping from one freq to another according to the destination of the transmitted burst. Each earth station selects its transmission time on the corresponding frequency so as to transmit its burst within correct time slot. It should be noted that the beam hopping is also carried out along with the on-board signal regeneration. This helps in avoiding the inter burst interferences associated with conventional TDMA.

43 Satellite switched TDMA


45 FDMA FDMA allocates a single channel to one user at a time
It is a technique in which the carrier bandwidth is divided into sub channels of different frequency width, each carrying a signal at the same time in parallel.

46 FDMA FDMA can be performed in two ways:
Fixed-assignment multiple access (FAMA): The sub-channel assignments are of a fixed allotment. Ideal for broadcast satellite communication. Demand-assignment multiple access (DAMA): The sub-channel allotment changes based on demand. Ideal for point to point communication


48 TDMA In Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), it makes use of the same frequency spectrum but allows more users on the same band of frequencies by dividing the time into “slots” and shares the channel between users by assigning them different time slots. TDMA is utilized by Digital-Advanced Mobile Phone System (D-AMPS) and Global System for Mobile communications(GSM). However , each of these systems implements TDMA in a somewhat different and incompatible way.

49 TDMA COMPARED TO FDMA The advantages of TDMA over the FDMA are:-
The bit capacity of the TDMA system is independent of the number of accesses. The power amplifiers in the transponder of a TDMA system can be operated in the saturation mode as opposed to that of a FDMA system. This increases the capacity of multiple accesses. The duty cycle of the Earth station in a TDMA system is low. TDMA systems allow the use of digital techniques like digital speech interpolation, satellite onboard switching and so on. TDMA system offer more flexibility due to use of high speed logic circuits and processors witch offer high data rates.

50 TDMA systems are more economical as compared to FDMA systems because they are easy to multiplex, independent of distance and can be easily interfaced with terrestrial services. TDMA systems can tolerate higher level of interference noise. The disadvantages of TDMA over FDMA are as follows:- The peak power of the amplifier in TDMS system is always large. TDMA system is more complex as compared to an FDMA system. The earth station of a TDMA system requires ADC, clock recovery, synchronization, burst control and data processing before transmission. TDMA system use high speed PSK/FSK circuits.


52 CDMA Code Division Multiple access is a technique in which every communicator will be allocated the entire spectrum for all the time. CDMA uses codes to identify connections. This technology is used in ultra high frequency(UHF) cellular telephone systems in the 800 MHz and 1.9 GHz bands.


54 S. No Parameter FDMA TDMA CDMA 1 Spectrum utilization for a single station It does not use full bandwidth It uses full bandwidth within allocated time slot. It uses full bandwidth throughout operation 2 Analog/Digital Generally analog Digital 3 Interference Interference may occur Interference is eliminated 4. Synchronization Difficult in demand assigned Easy

55 S. No Parameter FDMA TDMA CDMA 5 Intermodulation distortion Present
Not present 6 Secrecy (Interception) Almost insecure Better than FDMA Fully secure 7 Jamming Exist Does not exist 8 Bit rate Medium High low 9 Flexibility Poor Better Best 10 Cost Low Lowest


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