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Kinship and Descent Genealogical Space – Space that contains all human beings. Kinship and descent are Cultural Universals.

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2 Kinship and Descent

3 Genealogical Space – Space that contains all human beings. Kinship and descent are Cultural Universals.

4 Kinship and Descent Genealogical Space Males Females Marriage affinal Descent consanguineal Generation consanguineal

5 Kinship and Descent The investigation of kinship terminology begins with a distinction between kin types and kin terms. Kin types refer to the basic uncategorized relationships that anthropologist use to describe the actual contents of kinship categories. They are supposedly culture free, etic components. Kin terms are the labels for categories of kin that include one or more kin types. They are emic structures and vary across cultures.

6 Kinship and Descent Kin Types Primary components and letter symbols Mother [M] Father [F] Sister [Z] Brother [B] Daughter [D] Son [S] Husband [H] Wife [W]

7 Kinship and Descent


9 Rules of Descent Bilineal (Bilateral) Unilineal Matrilineal Patrilineal

10 Kinship and Descent Eskimo Kinship Bilineal Similar to “American” system

11 Kinship and Descent Matrilineal

12 Kinship and Descent Patrilineal

13 Kinship and Descent Comparison of Patrilineal with Matrilineal Descent Patrilineal Matrilineal Strong marriageBrittle marriage Patrilocal residenceMatrilocal residence Strict sex rulesLax sex rules No marriage ruleX-cousin marriage PrescribedProscribed

14 Kinship and Descent Rules of Residence Neolocal Matrilocal Patrilocal Ambilocal Associated with bilineal descent Associated with matrilineal descent Associated with patrilineal descent

15 Kinship and Descent Forms of Marriage Monogamy Polygamy Polygyny Polyandry One spouse Multiple husbands Multiple spouses Multiple wives Rules of Marriage Exogamy - Marriage outside group Endogamy - Marriage within group

16 Kinship and Descent Family relatives Four functions of families Nuclear families Extended families Nurturance Economic foundation Sex control Enculturation

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