select first, last,orderid, orderdate, methpmt, ordersource from customer c, cust_order_v o where c.custid=#custid# and c.custid=o.custid order by orderid #first# #last# #First# #last# Order number: #orderid# Date: #orderdate# Method of payment: #methpmt# Order source: #ordersource# Parameter passed from master"> select first, last,orderid, orderdate, methpmt, ordersource from customer c, cust_order_v o where c.custid=#custid# and c.custid=o.custid order by orderid #first# #last# #First# #last# Order number: #orderid# Date: #orderdate# Method of payment: #methpmt# Order source: #ordersource# Parameter passed from master">

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Drilling down Restrictions on data interaction between browser and server a new connection has to be made for each interaction Solution: break up the data.

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Presentation on theme: "Drilling down Restrictions on data interaction between browser and server a new connection has to be made for each interaction Solution: break up the data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drilling down Restrictions on data interaction between browser and server a new connection has to be made for each interaction Solution: break up the data so that only what is needed on a single page is retrieved the details are presented by selecting an item in that page--drill-down approach Dynamic SQL statements: the master-detail approach Create the detail template Pass a parameter to the template from the master template

2 Source code for the master < CFQUERY DATASOURCE="oracle" Name="customers" > select custid, first, last from customer order by custid Customer list Customers #custid# #first# #last# Parameter syntax: ? =

3 Source code for the detail < CFQUERY DATASOURCE="oracle" Name="orders" > select first, last,orderid, orderdate, methpmt, ordersource from customer c, cust_order_v o where c.custid=#custid# and c.custid=o.custid order by orderid #first# #last# #First# #last# Order number: #orderid# Date: #orderdate# Method of payment: #methpmt# Order source: #ordersource# Parameter passed from master

4 Creating frames View both master and detail at the same time Split the window into two or more windows and control what is displayed in each Customers Step 1: Create the frame template Creates two columns, each taking up 50% of the browser’s window Creates the left frame Creates the right frame Create the initial frame Include a TARGET attribute to designate the window in which to display the result <A HREF="example4.cfm?custid=#custid#" TARGET= "details">

5 Frame example

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