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Jeopardy Themes of Environmental Science Science and Values Experimental Design 1 Experimental Design 2 Realms of Science Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Themes of Environmental Science Science and Values Experimental Design 1 Experimental Design 2 Realms of Science Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Themes of Environmental Science Science and Values Experimental Design 1 Experimental Design 2 Realms of Science Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Themes of Environmental Science This is the single issue that underlies all environmental questions

4 $100 Answer from Themes of Enviornmental Science Human Population

5 $200 Question from Themes of Enviornmental Science This (50 year) time range has seen the most rapid rate of population growth on earth

6 $200 Answer from Themes of Enviornmental Science 1950-Present

7 $300 Question from Themes of Enviornmental Science This theory holds that throughout the history of life on Earth, Life has profoundly changed the global environment

8 $300 Answer from Themes of Enviornmental Science Gaia Hypothesis

9 $400 Question from Themes of Enviornmental Science If a population exceeds its carrying capacity, this often occurs

10 $400 Answer from Themes of Enviornmental Science Famine Disease War

11 $500 Question from Themes of Enviornmental Science This is the idea that we should not wait for scientific proof before taking precautionary steps to prevent potential harm to the environment

12 $500 Answer from Themes of Enviornmental Science Precautionary principle

13 $100 Question from Science and Values These are the two main factors that determine the carrying capacity of Earth

14 $100 Answer from Science and Values Science and Values

15 $200 Question from Science and Values A professor claims that we must save all aspects of an ecosystem, because removing one could have a severe chain effect, harming all other species in the ecosystem

16 $200 Answer from Science and Values Ecological Justification

17 $300 Question from Science and Values A Buddhist monk argues that factory farming should be stopped because Buddhist doctrine argues that all animals are sentient and should be treated with respect

18 $300 Answer from Science and Values Cultural Justification

19 $400 Question from Science and Values A tour guide advocates for protecting the Florida Everglades, because they directly benefit individuals and bring in tourism

20 $400 Answer from Science and Values Utilitarian Justification

21 $500 Question from Science and Values Because of the potential for serious environmental damage, a scientist argues that we cannot wait for scientific proof that use of the pesticide Atrazine can cause long-term genetic defects

22 $500 Answer from Science and Values Precautionary Principle

23 $100 Question from Experimental Design 1 This is the “essence” of science

24 $100 Answer from Experimental Design 1 Disprovability

25 $200 Question from Experimental Design 1 James sees a bubbling green liquid and says “that is poisonous” What has James observed?

26 $200 Answer from Experimental Design 1 He sees a green, bubbling liquid

27 $300 Question from Experimental Design 1 James sees a bubbling green liquid and says “that is poisonous” What is James’ inference?

28 $300 Answer from Experimental Design 1 “That is poisonous”

29 $400 Question from Experimental Design 1 This changes depending on the Independent Variable in an experiment

30 $400 Answer from Experimental Design 1 Dependent Variable

31 $500 Question from Experimental Design 1 I want to measure the effect of light intensity on plant height. What are two standardized variables necessary for this experiment?

32 $500 Answer from Experimental Design 1 Amount of light Amount of Water Temperature of Experiment Humidity Etc.

33 $100 Question from Experimental Design 2 This is a group that you use to compare to your experimental group

34 $100 Answer from Experimental Design 2 The control group

35 $200 Question from Experimental Design 2 Name one of the two alternatives to direct experimentation

36 $200 Answer from Experimental Design 2 Historical Evidence Modern Catastrophes

37 $300 Question from Experimental Design 2 This explains an expected outcome of an experiment, and must be disprovable

38 $300 Answer from Experimental Design 2 Hypothesis

39 $400 Question from Experimental Design 2 The title of my experiment is: “The effect of amylase concentration on carbohydrate breakdown”. What is my Independent Variable?

40 $400 Answer from Experimental Design 2 Amylase concentration

41 $500 Question from Experimental Design 2 I want to know the conditions in which plants grow best. Here is my incomplete data table: What is the mistake in my experimental design? TrialNumber of Hours of Sunlight pH of SoilPlant Height 141 267 3814

42 $500 Answer from Experimental Design 2 Two independent variables

43 $100 Question from Realms of Science What type of reasoning is this: Elephants have cells in their bodies Cells contain DNA Therefore… Elephants have DNA

44 $100 Answer from Realms of Science Deductive Reasoning

45 $200 Question from Realms of Science This is a grand scheme that relates and explains many observations and is supported by a great deal of evidence

46 $200 Answer from Realms of Science Scientific Theory

47 $300 Question from Realms of Science What type of reasoning is this: Every cat you have ever seen has a tail Therefore… All cats have tails

48 $300 Answer from Realms of Science Inductive Reasoning

49 $400 Question from Realms of Science This is a deliberately simplified construct of nature

50 $400 Answer from Realms of Science Model

51 $500 Question from Realms of Science This is the application of scientific knowledge in an attempt to benefit people

52 $500 Answer from Realms of Science Technology

53 Final Jeopardy Scientists want to know whether increasing pH from a fertilizer runoff is impacting the carrying capacity of a marsh. Design an experiment that measures whether or not increased pH impacts the number of geese that can survive in the marsh. (Include IV, DV, SV, Control Group, and a hypothesis for the experiment)

54 Final Jeopardy Answer

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