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Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? Section A Period One.

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2 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?

3 Section A Period One

4 To learn to compare qualities To learn to use “How/What about…? ” “Why don’t you…”and modal should to give advice To learn to make comments To learn new words: personal, special

5 我们增加了 “ 用英语解释和记忆英语 ” 部分, 旨在帮助学生建立起独立的英语思维系 统。 ★ 运用英语解释增强语感, 提高口语表 达能力。 ★ 用英语理解英语,理解文章更精确。 ★ 提示:本次英语解释的内容均出自 《剑桥在线词典》等, 保证其纯正性、 实用性。

6 Review Words and expressions

7 Read the explanation and speak out the word it explains.

8 something that you say or write that expresses your opinion a CD or record, etc. that has several pieces of music on it; a book with plain pages, typically used for collecting together and protecting stamps or photographs n. 评论 ; 意见 n. 集子 ; 相片簿 ; 唱片集 comment album

9 relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization; private or relating to someone’s private life not ordinary or usual; particularly great or important, or having an extra quality adj. 特别的 ; 特殊的 ; 专门的 adj. 私人的 ; 个人的 special personal

10 点击此处

11 Mother’s Day is coming. What gift should I get my mother?

12 Competition: Give advice! Why don’t you +V. …? Why not +V. …? What/How about +V.-ing/n. … ?

13 What do you think of these gifts?

14 photo album That’s too _____. expensive cheap personal boring common

15 camera That’s too _____. expensive personal boring common …

16 They’re too ______. expensive personal boring special … rings

17 That’s not _____ enough. scarf scarves interesting special beautiful cute original creative …

18 watch That’s not_____ enough. interesting special cute original creative …

19 They’re not_____ enough. special beautiful creative … dictionary

20 They’re not_____ enough. special beautiful creative … coat

21 They’re not_____ enough. Mobile phone special creative

22 Why don’t you +V. …? Why not +V. …? What/How about +V.-ing/n. …? Suggestions: Comments: ( 评价) That’s too boring / personal… That’s not interesting/special …enough. Sum up

23 Choose one of your best friends, discuss what gift you should get him/her. You are supposed to act out the following dialogue. What should I get my …for …?

24 ( 讲解 ) A: What should I get Tina for her birthday? B: Why don’t you get her some flowers? A: That’s not special enough. B: How about buying a camera? A: No way( 不可能 ), that’s too expensive. B: Why not buying a CD she likes? A: No, that’s too cheap. B: What about a scarf? A: That sounds good. She’ll like that. Sample

25 What do you think of these gifts? Write each gift under one or more of the words in the chart. Add other gifts to each column. scarf tennis balls dictionary CD camera bicycle CheapExpensiveBoringInteresting 1a1a

26 Click to it. 1b1b

27 __ That’s too expensive. __ That’s too boring, too. __ They’re too cheap. __ That’s too boring. 1 2 3 4 Listen and number the comments in the order you hear them. (1b)

28 A: I need help. What______ I____ my mom____ her birthday? B: __________a scarf? A: No,_______________. B: Hmm. How about a dictionary? A: That’s too boring, too. B: Well, ___________________a camera? A: No way, that’s too expensive. B: __________some tennis balls? A: Tennis balls? No, they’re__________. Listen again and fill in the blanks. shouldget for How about that’s too boring why don’t you get her What about too cheap

29 A: What should I get my mom for her birthday? B: How about a scarf? A: No, that’s too boring. Ask and answer questions about the people in the picture in 1a. Pair work 1c1c

30 Example: A: What should I get my brother for his birthday? B: How about a camera? A: No, that’s too expensive.

31 Click to it. 2a

32 Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Teacher Sister Friend √ √ √ Listen. In each conversation about gifts, who is the person shopping for? Put a check in the correct column. (2a)

33 Conversation 1 Suggestion 1 Comment 1 Suggestion 2 Comment 2 a CD not special enough flowers good idea Listen again and write the suggestions and comments in the chart below. 2b2b

34 Conversation 2 Suggestion 1 Comment 1 Suggestion 2 Comment 2 a scarf too personal a calendar sounds good

35 Conversation 3 Suggestion 1 Comment 1 Suggestion 2 Comment 2 a soccer ball a photo album she’ll like that not creative enough

36 Think of a friend or a family member who is having a birthday soon. Then discuss with your partner what to get this person. Pair work A: It’s my sister’s birthday soon. What should I get her? B: How about a sweater? A: No, that’s not interesting enough. 2c2c

37 A: It’s my brother’s birthday soon. What should I get him? B: How about a tennis ball? A: No, that’s not creative enough. Example:


39 1. Why don’t you get her a scarf? 【同步造句】 你为什么不停下来休息? _______________________________ 【用法透析】 Why don’t you do...? 相当于 Why not do...? 该句型常用于表示向对方提出建议 或征求意见,意为 “ 你为什么不做 …… 呢 ?” 。 Why don’t you stop to have a rest?

40 如: Why don’t you come with me? = Why not come with me? 肯定回答: Good idea / OK / All right / Sounds good 等。 否定回答: I’m afraid not / That’s too … /Sorry, I can’t 等。

41 2. How about some tennis balls? / What about a watch? 【动词填空】 –– How about ______ (go) to Guilin for a vacation this year? –– Good idea! 【用法透析】 How about …? 和 What about …? 也可用于征求意见或提出建议, 意为 “…… 怎么样 ?” about 是介词,后可接名 词、代词、 V-ing 形式。 如: –– What about (having) another piece of bread? –– No, thanks. I’m full. going

42 表示 “ 建议 ” 的多种句型 ◆ Why don’t you do sth.? 这是给别人提建议,建议某人做什么事 情的句型。如: Why don’t we come more often? 咱们为什么不经常来这里呢 ? Why don’t you buy a book for your father? 给你爸爸买本书怎么样?

43 这个句子还可以写成 Why not do…? 如 : Why not get her a camera? 为什么不给她买个相机呢? 这个句型还有发出礼貌地邀请的用法。 如:如: Why don’t you have a drink of tea? = Why not have a drink of tea? 请喝茶。

44 ◆ How/What about…? 表示 “…… 怎么样 / 好吗? ” 这个句型是询问听话这一方对某事物的 看法或者意见。 about 是个介词,它后 面要接名词或者 doing 。如: How about a scarf? How about going to swim?

45 ◆ You should / could do … 意为 “ 你应该 (可以) 做 ……” ◆ Let’s do … 意为 “ 让我们做 …… 吧 !” ◆ You’d better (not) do … 意为 “ 你最好 (不)做 ……” ◆ It’s best to do... 意为 “ 做 …… 再好不过 了。 ” ◆ Shall we do … ? 意为 “ 我们做 …… 好 吗? ”

46 - What should I get my sister? - Why don’t you get her a camera? - That’s too expensive. - How about some tennis balls? - They’re too cheap. - Why don’t you buy a scarf? - That’s not interesting enough. 课时重点回顾

47 注 : 另附 word 文档。 点击此处链接

48 仿照示例写出下列短语的英语释义。 Example: too boring: not interesting enough 1. too expensive: 2. too short: 3. too difficult: 4. too noisy: 5. too young: not old enough not cheap enough not long enough not easy enough not quiet enough

49 Translate and write them down. - 妈妈生日我送她什么生日礼物呢? - 围巾怎么样? - 不,太没趣了。 - What should I get my mom for her birthday? - How about a scarf? - No, that’s too boring. 1.

50 2. 星期天动身去加拿大怎么样? __________ _______ leaving for Canada on Sunday? 3. 安娜对唱英语歌感兴趣。 Anna ______ ____ _______ ____ singing English songs. 4. 安德鲁建议我们应该为 2012 年奥运会 做点事情。 Andrew _________ _____ we _______ do something for the 2012 Olympics. What / How about takes an interest in suggested that should

51 5. 会议室空间足够大,能容纳 200 人。 The _____ of the meeting is _____ _______ for 200 persons. 6. 很多人不是把钱留给自己而是捐给了 慈善机构。 Many people give money to charity _______ ______ leave it to themselves. rather than room big enough

52 To preview the new words and expressions To preview the chart on page 59


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