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Migration Sociology Citizenship, reproduction and the state: international marriage and human rights Bryan S. Turner Instructor: Prof HZ Wang Student:

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Presentation on theme: "Migration Sociology Citizenship, reproduction and the state: international marriage and human rights Bryan S. Turner Instructor: Prof HZ Wang Student:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration Sociology Citizenship, reproduction and the state: international marriage and human rights Bryan S. Turner Instructor: Prof HZ Wang Student: Jeanette KY Yuen

2 問題意識 1 What is the relationship between citizenship, reproduction and the state? State- national building Reproduction – The concept of sexuality, intimacy and reproduction (private VS public) Citizenship (social participation)

3 問題意識 2 How the notion of citizenship is further challenged by international marriage State- national building – different definition on citizenship Reproduction – residence and birth (surveillance and control Different definition and claims of citizenship Global citizenship

4 結論 The historical pattern between state, citizenship and family is breaking down for a variety of causes: globalization of economy, world-wide increase in labour migration, international marriages etc. Familial ideology of procreation is the major legitimating support of the contemporary ensemble of entitlements that constitute the social rights of citizenship. State’s interest is to secure and enforce the historic connection between reproduction and citizenship Reproductive citizenship is sociologically legally more adequate than sexual citizenship.

5 推論邏輯 The assumption of citizenship: “effective claims on social resources depend on contributions to society through work, war (or public service) and reproduction (or parenting)” The concept of nation building and state as well as the definition of citizenship in different countries State building is decisive in creating national identities- the framework of membership within the modern state and citizenship building has a similar concept Women play an important role in sexual reproduction and family formation which is a major legitimating support of entitlements and social rights of modern citizenship

6 State as a control to sexuality, intimacy and reproduction Sexual citizenship VS reproduction citizenship (social participation) Sustaining and legitimating heterosexual reproduction is a major of the regulatory activity of modern state and reproduction is considered as “contribution” to attain citizenship International migration has made the picture more complicated Different claims and definition of citizenship

7 這篇文章的推理邏輯是否讓你信服 The picture of the relationship, citizenship, state and family (reproduction) has been clearly depicted Yet, the differences between migrants and non- migrants (international migration) in the relationship among the three aspects are vaguely defined The organization of the whole paper- fragmented

8 文章的哪些部分是多餘的贅肉,根 本與主題 / 問題意識無關? Labour migration (p.51) Human rights (p.52)

9 假如從另外一個不同的角度來看相 同的問題,你可能會從何下手? Relationship among citizenship, reproduction and the state Citizenship issue on international marriage- case studies in XXXX & XXXX Citizenship, reproduction and human rights: the case of homosexuality

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