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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II Dr. Perla B. Balbuena: JEB 240 Web site:

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II Dr. Perla B. Balbuena: JEB 240 Web site:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II Dr. Perla B. Balbuena: JEB 240 Web site: 354-Thermo%20II-Spring%2012/CHEN%20354- Thermo%20II-Spring%2012.htm 354-Thermo%20II-Spring%2012/CHEN%20354- Thermo%20II-Spring%2012.htm or: m m (use VPN from home)  CHEN 354-Spring 12 TA: Mian Huang;

2 TA office hours Thursdays 1:30 to 2:30 pm; Rm 501 Or by appointment, please e-mail to Mian Huang:

3 TEAMS Please group in teams of 4-5 students each Designate a team coordinator Team coordinator: Please send me an e-mail stating the names of all the students in your team (including yourself) no later than next Monday First HW is due January 26 th

4 Introduction to phase equilibrium Chapter 10 (but also revision from Chapter 6)

5 Equilibrium Absence of change Absence of a driving force for change Example of driving forces –Imbalance of mechanical forces => work (energy transfer) –Temperature differences => heat transfer –Differences in chemical potential => mass transfer

6 Energies Internal energy, U Enthalpy H = U + PV Gibbs free energy G = H – TS Helmholtz free energy A = U - TS

7 Phase Diagram Pure Component a d c b e  What happens from (a) to (f) as volume is compressed at constant T. f

8 P-T for pure component

9 P-V diagrams pure component

10 Equilibrium condition for coexistence of two phases (pure component) Review Section 6.4 At a phase transition, molar or specific values of extensive thermodynamic properties change abruptly. The exception is the molar Gibbs free energy, G, that for a pure species does not change at a phase transition

11 Equilibrium condition for coexistence of two phases (pure component, closed system) d(nG) = (nV) dP –(nS) dT Pure liquid in equilibrium with its vapor, if a differential amount of liquid evaporates at constant T and P, then d(nG) = 0 n = constant => ndG =0 => dG =0 G l = G v Equality of the molar or specific Gibbs free energies (chemical potentials) of each phase

12 Chemical potential in a mixture : Single-phase, open system:  i :Chemical potential of component i in the mixture

13 Phase equilibrium: 2-phases and n components Two phases, a and b and n components: Equilibrium conditions:  i a =  i b (for i = 1, 2, 3,….n) T a = T b P a = P b

14 A liquid at temperature T The more energetic particles escape A liquid at temperature T in a closed container Vapor pressure

15 Fugacity of 1 = f 1 Fugacity of 2 = f 2

16 For a pure component   =   For a pure component, fugacity is a function of T and P

17 For a mixture of n components  i  =  i  for all i =1, 2, 3, …n in a mixture: Fugacity is a function of composition, T and P

18 Lets recall Raoult’s law for a binary We need models for the fugacity in the vapor phase and in the liquid phase

19 Raoult’s law

20 Model the vapor phase as a mixture of ideal gases: Model the liquid phase as an ideal solution

21 VLE according to Raoult’s law:


23 Homework # 1 download from web site Due Wednesday, January 25 th, at the beginning of the class

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