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 Sam: where are you from,Hamid?  Hamid: ghez-ghaleh  Sam:where is it?  Hamid:its village in west azarbaijan,near the city of Khoy sam:whats it like?.Hamid:

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Presentation on theme: " Sam: where are you from,Hamid?  Hamid: ghez-ghaleh  Sam:where is it?  Hamid:its village in west azarbaijan,near the city of Khoy sam:whats it like?.Hamid:"— Presentation transcript:



3  Sam: where are you from,Hamid?  Hamid: ghez-ghaleh  Sam:where is it?  Hamid:its village in west azarbaijan,near the city of Khoy sam:whats it like?.Hamid: it’s a mountain village with many trees and flowers Its famous for its sunflower fields. Sam: whats the peoples job? Hamid: they works on farms and raice animals. Sam: what about the weather? Hamid: theres a lot of wind in summer,fall and winter. Its very cold from aban to farvardin. Sam: its sounds to be interesting place  Sam: where are you from,Hamid?  Hamid: ghez-ghaleh  Sam:where is it?  Hamid:its village in west azarbaijan,near the city of Khoy sam:whats it like?.Hamid: it’s a mountain village with many trees and flowers Its famous for its sunflower fields. Sam: whats the peoples job? Hamid: they works on farms and raice animals. Sam: what about the weather? Hamid: theres a lot of wind in summer,fall and winter. Its very cold from aban to farvardin. Sam: its sounds to be interesting place

4 Whats ghez-ghaleh like? Its mountain village Is it near the city? Yes it is/no it isn t What is it famous for? Its famous for its sunflowers fields. Whats the peoples job? They work on farms and raise animals. Whats ghez-ghaleh like? Its mountain village Is it near the city? Yes it is/no it isn t What is it famous for? Its famous for its sunflowers fields. Whats the peoples job? They work on farms and raise animals. Are there any field? Yes.there are Is there a river? No.there isn t Is there a mountain? Yes.there is Are there many people in the villag? No.there aren t Whats weather like in ghez-ghaleh? Its windy/sunny/rainy/snowy insummer What about the weather? Its hot/cold/warm/wet/dry. Is it cold in winter? Tes it is/no it isn t Is there much rain in spring? Yes there is /no there isn t

5 ◦ tree

6  mountain

7  river

8  cattle

9  tractor

10  fields

11  flower

12 Kermejegan Kermajegan is in the south of qom and its beautiful village in has very good weather.becuse in summer is not hot and in the winter is very cold and has montains.the name of one mountain is پلنگ ابی.ker =mejegan is in the 1987 height from ert and the montain is 3150 height from ert.

13 Thank you very much

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