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CD Web Page Re-design. Agenda  Introductions  Project Goals  Design Components proposal  Comments/requirements from stakeholders on proposal  Initial.

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Presentation on theme: "CD Web Page Re-design. Agenda  Introductions  Project Goals  Design Components proposal  Comments/requirements from stakeholders on proposal  Initial."— Presentation transcript:

1 CD Web Page Re-design

2 Agenda  Introductions  Project Goals  Design Components proposal  Comments/requirements from stakeholders on proposal  Initial Design Concept  Comments/Requirements on design concept  Implementation  Comments/Requirements on implementation options

3 Project Goals  Support the Division’s mission byDivision’s mission Improving overall site architecture and making information easier to find, navigate and use Improve the Division’s customer service by streamlining customer focused features and interactions Ease site updates and implementations of templates Increase site portability modularity and flexibility by utilizing modern coding techniques and/or tools Graphically highlight the Division’s prominence in cutting edge computing technology

4 Design Component: Architecture and Navigation The project goal in this area is to ensure that the site’s architecture and navigation will be clearly defined by purpose. A preliminary review of the current site resulted in the definition of 4 primary categories:  Customer-focused: These links/pages/schemes should lead the divisions customers through key tasks. They should focus on clarity and ease-of-use.  Internal: These links/pages/schemes will focus on information primarily of interest to division management and employees.  Collateral: These links/pages/schemes will focus on information of interest to our project partners, funding agencies and general audiences. Information will include items like metrics, MOU’s, and cutting edge computing technologies we are involved in.  Science Projects: These links/pages/schemes will focus on the science related projects underway in the division.

5 Design Component: Graphic Themes The goal is to update and improve the graphics quality and themes of the site. This will be accomplished by utilizing modern graphics techniques in addition to emphasizing the following graphics themes:  Cutting Edge Computing: A graphic, animated feature (probably flash) which will highlight these aspects in an engaging manner.  Human Face of the Computing Division: Rotating photos and captions will highlight actual division staff at work.  Relationship with Fermilab: The site will continue to show a relationship with Fermilab’s overall web style and will adhere to the lab’s graphics design standards

6 Design Component: Supporting Tools and Technologies The goal is to develop a site architecture which will be easy to implement and keep up to date.  To accomplish this goal in the most automated way various supporting web tools and technologies will be investigated and implemented.  Examples include automated site monitoring for broken links and a content management system which will assist in automating organization and updating of web pages and content.

7 Initial Design Concept  Top level template for CD Home Main example Main with navigation flyout  Each main section will have its own uniquely designed “hub” page Services section template example Sub navigation at left will change based on section

8 Implementation: Option 1  Templates/Server-side includes Advantages  Existing Technology  Faster Deployment  Easier top-down conversion  Lower up-front cost Disadvantages  Less design uniformity  Less efficient content management/maintenance

9 Implementation: Option 2  Content management system (propose to use XenoCMS) Advantages  Efficient ongoing maintenance and management  Greater design uniformity Disadvantages  Some outstanding technical questions  Slower deployment Demonstration

10 Implementation: Other considerations  Setup new web site layout  Categorize and catalog current pages Comm&Outreach will do CD home/internal with input from others when needed Each Quad/dept/group responsible for their pages  Implement a phased migration Several ways to do this dependant on if we go with option 1 or 2 Goal: Organized move to new “site” but have non-migrated pages look updated

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