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Getting Started with Writing

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1 Getting Started with Writing
1 Getting Started with Writing

2 Learning Outcomes Create your own ideal writing environment.
Analyze the rhetorical situation using the star approach.

3 Your Ideal Writing Environment (LO 1.1)
Find a good place to write. Plan your time to write. Select your materials. Establish a method for saving your work. Create an inviting atmosphere. Minimize distractions.

4 The Star Approach (LO 1.2) Subject Audience Purpose Strategy Design

5 Subject (LO 1.2) Consider the message you want to convey.
Select a subject that matches the guidelines of the assignment. Narrow your subject if necessary. Always consider your audience and purpose.

6 Audience (1.2) Consider your audience and what they may or may not already know. Be aware of relevant discourse communities. Consider both your primary and secondary audience.

7 Audience (contd.) Always consider your audience and purpose.
Determine relevant audience characteristics. If online, use netiquette when addressing both instructor and classmates.

8 Purpose (LO 1.2) Writing to inform Writing to persuade
Provide useful information about a subject. Teach your audience how to do something. Writing to persuade You may argue a point. You may persuade your audience to do something.

9 Purpose (contd.) Writing to interpret Writing to entertain
Help your audience better understand something. Your opinion is important. Writing to entertain Entertain the audience. Many times you address another purpose.

10 Purpose (contd.) Writing to express feelings Combined purposes
You may communicate positive feelings. You may express dissatisfaction about something. Combined purposes You may use more than one purpose. The purposes may overlap.

11 Strategy (LO 1.2) Narrating Explaining a process
Tell a story about an event. Answer the questions who, what, where, when, why, and how. Explaining a process Explain how something works. You may use step-by-step instructions. You may write an explanation.

12 Strategy (contd.) Describing Comparing or contrasting
Use words to create a picture in the reader’s mind. Utilize the senses. Include colorful adjectives. Comparing or contrasting Show similarities or differences between two people, places, or objects. Make a worthwhile point.

13 Strategy (contd.) Explaining causes or effects Evaluating
Show one event caused another to occur. Determine the effects of an event or situation. Apply sound logic. Evaluating Make a judgment about the subject. Determine the important criteria to evaluate.

14 Strategy (contd.) Persuading Solving a problem
You should take a stand and prove your point. You may use personal experiences. Solving a problem Explain a problem and possible solutions. Determine which solution is the best.

15 Design (LO 1.2) Genre Length
The writing style (e.g., essay, story, paper, memo, letter, etc.) Consider your task. Length Know the instructor’s requirement. Make sure all points are clearly supported.

16 Design (contd.) Format Appearance
The structure of your writing (e.g., typed, hand-written, documentation style, etc.) Follow the instructor’s guidelines closely. Appearance Show similarities or differences between two people, places, or objects. Make a worthwhile point.

17 Design (contd.) Visual aids
The pictures, charts, or graphs used to enhance your paper. Determine if a point would be more effective with a visual image.

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