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Kindest Kansas Citian Essay Your chance to define kindness and identify adult role models.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindest Kansas Citian Essay Your chance to define kindness and identify adult role models."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindest Kansas Citian Essay Your chance to define kindness and identify adult role models.

2 Essay Contest Rules Write about someone with whom you have a personal relationship. This person –M–M–M–MUST BE a Kansas City area resident – M– M– M– MUST BE over 18 years old –C–C–C–CANNOT be a relative. Write about why your nominee is your role model of kindness.

3 Rules cont. Essay can be typed and attached to the entry form or can be hand written in blue or black ink on the form itself. Essay can be typed and attached to the entry form or can be hand written in blue or black ink on the form itself. Essay must fit on only one side of the entry form. Essay must fit on only one side of the entry form. Fill in as much information as you can on the top of entry form. Fill in as much information as you can on the top of entry form. All entries will be submitted. All entries will be submitted. This is for a grade, too! This is for a grade, too! Due Thursday Due Thursday

4 Requirements (again…) write this down… Your nominee… – –Must live around KC – –Must be over 18 – –Not a relative   Your essay… - typed or in ink -specific examples of how your person is kind -at least ten sentences

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