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Notes By: Brandon Golden. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? It is defined by how the hero treats others and acts when he is needed to.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes By: Brandon Golden. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? It is defined by how the hero treats others and acts when he is needed to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes By: Brandon Golden

2 How do we define the personality traits of a hero? It is defined by how the hero treats others and acts when he is needed to help defend others. Any person can have acts of bravery but a hero will consistently step up when needed to be at the needs of others.

3 How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? If there is something around them that needs help they will be able to step up and provide the help needed. Depending on who the conflict is with they may be able to help more then if it was somebody random. The antagonists may be someone they know personally and could help due to what they know about the person.

4 How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? Depending on how they talk or react to people can say a lot about where they live or come from. Some may act with aggression towards an enemy because they react like that from where they live while another person may react with caution if that’s how people do it where they live.

5 How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? The way they may attack a villain or even things such as dress or personality can show what time or area a hero is from.

6 How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? All cultures reward their heroes differently. Some make them king or leader of a tribe. Others such as our modern day culture give them medals and have many people to congratulate and thank them for what they do/did.

7 Why is he considered a "hero" and not a role model? He is able to step up and take control of the world army and fight off all of their enemies and save the lives of possibly millions.

8 What is done to show this kid is a hero? He steps up at such a young age to become commander of the world army and beats their enemy they have had as long as he has been alive.

9 What happened in this persons childhood to make him do these heroic things? At birth being a “third” in a family was not known as the best thing and being bullied by his brother and kids at school made him into a person that knew what had to be done to single handedly take out an enemy or group of enemies by himself. He doesn't just win the fights…he makes sure he will not have to fight the same battle again.

10 How was he able to keep going with everyone against him? He was singled out in the beginning, said to be the best and he had to step up and prove it to everyone else that he is as good as he’s talked up to be. As soon as he was anywhere everyone was against him since he was going to be that good and they didn’t want to be out shined.

11 Why was this kid able to do things that everyone else couldn't? He had the intelligence of a grown man at the age of 6. he was able to exceed everybody’s expectations to be the man he was thought he was going to be in the beginning. He didn’t just pay attention, he learned and learned quickly. His second game ever in battle school was a win and from there on out he would be the champion. Many tried to take his spot but it couldn’t be done.

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