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Greek Sculpture Review Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Periods.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Sculpture Review Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Periods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Sculpture Review Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Periods

2 Archaic Sculpture O Influenced by Egyptian art O Contrapposto – one foot striding forward O Fists clenched and attached to sides O Stylized muscular detail O Flat planes in the face (creepy, archaic smile)

3 Archaic Period Calf Bearer, 570 BCE

4 Archaic Period Nikandre Kore, 650 BCE

5 Archaic Period Stele of Aristion, 510 BCE

6 Classical Sculpture O Portraying the body in motion (S-curve) O Perfection proportions of the human body; ideal human features O Defined musculature O More realistic facial expressions, but still lacking emotion

7 Classical Period Spear Bearer, 440 BCE

8 Classical Period The Victorious Youth, 310 BCE

9 Classical Period Hermes, 325 BCE

10 Hellenistic Sculpture O Discovery of freedom of the arts O Emotional and expressive O Contrasts of light and shade O Appearance of perpetual motion O Grandiose O Careful reproduction of the texture of hair, skin, fabric, metal, etc.

11 Hellenistic Period Winged Nike of Samothrace, 190 BCE

12 Hellenistic Period Barberini Faun, 220 BCE

13 Hellenistic Period Drunken Old Woman, late 2 nd century BCE

14 Hellenistic Period Ludovisi Gaul and his Wife, 220 BCE

15 Just for Fun Hipsters in Stone





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