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SAT VOCABULARY.  Abridge (v) – to shorten  Abstemious (adj) – sparing in the use of food or drink  Abhor (v) – to loathe or detest; hate  Aesthetic.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT VOCABULARY.  Abridge (v) – to shorten  Abstemious (adj) – sparing in the use of food or drink  Abhor (v) – to loathe or detest; hate  Aesthetic."— Presentation transcript:


2  Abridge (v) – to shorten  Abstemious (adj) – sparing in the use of food or drink  Abhor (v) – to loathe or detest; hate  Aesthetic (adj) – pertaining or relating to beauty  Ambiguous (adj) – unclear; having more than one meaning  Amorphous (adj) – having no clearly defined shape or form  Apathy (n) – lack of interest or caring  Conflagration (n) – widespread fire  Conventional (adj) – traditional; mundane; ordinary  Detrimental (adj) – causing damage or harm SAT VOCAB. WEEK 1

3  Deliberate (adj) – intentional, well thought out / (v) – to consider carefully  Diversity (n) – the state of being different or having different elements  Elusive (adj) – cleverly avoiding or escaping  Erratic (adj) – unpredictable, not even or regular in pattern or movement  Esoteric (adj) – known only by a select few w/ a specialized knowledge or interest  Exacerbate (v) – to make worse  Exemplary (adj) – serving as an example, commendable  Extraneous (adj) – not relevant or necessary  Hiatus (n) – a break or lapse in continuity  Hoard (v) – to accumulate or stash away SAT VOCAB. WEEK 2

4  Implausible (adj) – not possible, not imaginable  Impudence (n) – bold disrespect or rudeness  Incorrigible (adj) – not capable of reform or change  Indomitable (adj) – unable to be subdued or overcome  Ingenuity (n) – cleverness, originality  Innate (adj) – existing in a person since birth; part of the character of something  Innocuous (adj) – causing or intending little to no harm  Lampoon (v) – to make fun of / (n) – a speech or text humorously criticizing something or someone  Levity (n) – lightness; lacking seriousness  Lurid (adj) – gruesome, shocking SAT VOCAB. WEEK 3

5  Mediocrity (n) – ordinariness, lack of distinction  Miser (n) – one who saves greedily  Mitigate (v) – to make less severe  Morose (adj) – gloomy, ill-tempered  Mundane (adj) – ordinary or commonplace  Obliterate (v) – to wipe out, remove all traces  Parochial (adj) – having a narrow scope or outlook  Paucity (n) – small amount or number  Penchant (n) – a strong taste or liking  Precarious (adj) – unstable, insecure SAT VOCAB. WEEK 4

6  Premonition (n) – a feeling that something is about to happen  Prodigal (adj) – wasteful  Promontory (n) – a high point of land projecting into the sea  Quibble (v/n) – to make a minor objection / a small objection  Rectify (v) – to fix or correct  Reminiscence (n) – a story of past experiences  Repertoire (n) – a supply of songs, stories, skills or devices; a collection or reserve of something  Reticent (adj) – not talkative; shy; reluctant to speak  Satiate (v) – to satisfy fully  Slothful (adj) - lazy SAT VOCAB. WEEK 5

7  Solidarity (n) – fellowship between members of a group; mutual support w/in a group  Spendthrift (n) – a person who spends money wastefully  Stoic (adj) – not affected by passion or feeling  Succinct (adj) – brief; concise  Succumb (v) – to give way to a superior force; fail to resist something  Superflous (adj) – unnecessary  Taciturn (adj) – being of few words; reticent  Tantamount (adj) – equivalent in effect or meaning  Tirade (n) – a long, harsh abusive speech  Torpid (adj) – without energy; sluggish; slothful SAT VOCAB. WEEK 6

8  Transcendent (adj) – beyond or above the range of normal, surpassing the ordinary, exceptional  Trite (adj) – overused, lacking freshness  Vociferous (adj) – loud  Whimsical (adj) – eccentric, unpredictable  Wily (adj) – artful, cunning; skilled at gaining advantage, esp. deceitfully  Cynicism (n) – the belief that all human action is motivated by selfishness  Exploit (v) – to take advantage of; to use selfishly  Indelible (adj) – incapable of being erased  Infallible (adj) – unable to be proven wrong  Infer (v) – to conclude by reasoning SAT VOCAB. WEEK 7

9  Injurious (adj) – causing damage or loss  Jargon (n) – words used by people in a particular field of work  Lamentation (n) – an expression of sorrow or deep regret  Lofty (adj) – having great height or a dignified manner  Magnate (n) – a person of great influence in a particular field  Methodical (adj) – orderly, having a set system  Meticulous (adj) – very careful, attentive to details  Monotonous (adj) – boring, unvarying in tone or content  Mosaic (n) – larger picture made of smaller pieces often w/ glass  Negate (v) – to destroy the validity of something SAT VOCAB. WEEK 8

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