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Quick Write: When did America start? What, in your opinion, is the beginning or starting point of US History? Some things to include or think about in.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Write: When did America start? What, in your opinion, is the beginning or starting point of US History? Some things to include or think about in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Write: When did America start? What, in your opinion, is the beginning or starting point of US History? Some things to include or think about in your response: - What people come to mind? - What dates? - What locations? - What reasons for exploration/settlement? **Please also explain why you chose your answer. What, in your opinion, is the beginning or starting point of US History? Some things to include or think about in your response: - What people come to mind? - What dates? - What locations? - What reasons for exploration/settlement? **Please also explain why you chose your answer.

2 French & Indian War (1754 – 1763)

3 Causes of the War 1. Land Competition 1. Land Competition 2. Control of N. America trade routes 2. Control of N. America trade routes 3. Alliance w/ Native Tribes 3. Alliance w/ Native Tribes 4. European Wars 4. European Wars 5. Traditional Enemies 5. Traditional Enemies

4 The Two Sides French French Indian Allies - Mohawk - Miq'maq - Abenaki - Ottawa - Shawnee - and many others British British Colonial Militia Colonial Militia Indian Allies - Iroquois Confederacy - Cherokee Nation

5 Albany Plan of Union Ben Franklin (PA)‏ Ben Franklin (PA)‏ ONE colonial govt. ONE colonial govt. Govt. semi-autonomous Govt. semi-autonomous State govts. State govts. Gov.-Gen. (King’s choice) Gov.-Gen. (King’s choice)

6 Power of Govt. under Albany Plan Under Albany Plan, colonial government could: Under Albany Plan, colonial government could: - Levy taxes - Military - Treaties w/ Natives - Settle new land - Construct forts in OHR - Levy taxes - Military - Treaties w/ Natives - Settle new land - Construct forts in OHR

7 Albany Plan of Union (cont.) REJECTED by the colonies REJECTED by the colonies Fear of central power Fear of central power State v. Natl. power State v. Natl. power Basic model for early govt. Basic model for early govt. Franklin criticises their failure with the first American political cartoon!!! Franklin criticises their failure with the first American political cartoon!!!

8 Why did Ben Franklin draw this?

9 European Land Claims


11 Mapping Land Claims MAP ONE: MAP ONE: Label Original 13 Colonies Label Original 13 Colonies Label Rivers – Ohio, Mississippi Label Rivers – Ohio, Mississippi Label Great Lakes Label Great Lakes Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Appalachian Mountains Appalachian Mountains Cities - Charleston, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston, Ft. Necessity, Ft. Duquesne, Ft. Halifax, Quebec, Montreal Cities - Charleston, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston, Ft. Necessity, Ft. Duquesne, Ft. Halifax, Quebec, Montreal MAP TWO: MAP TWO: Overlay Land Claims of Britain, France, & Spain Overlay Land Claims of Britain, France, & Spain

12 The British Turn the Tide Increase war funds Increase war funds Fort-By-Fort Fort-By-Fort Control of Great Lakes Control of Great Lakes Invasion of Canada Invasion of Canada Iroquois Alliance Iroquois Alliance

13 Major British Victories Battle of Quebec (1759) Battle of Quebec (1759) Battle of Montreal (1760) Battle of Montreal (1760) Seizure of Fort Detroit (1761) Seizure of Fort Detroit (1761) Shortly after, France surrenders Shortly after, France surrenders

14 The Treaty of Paris (1763)‏ Ends French & Indian War (7 Years War) Ends French & Indian War (7 Years War) Treaty Points Treaty Points  Britain  French land E. of Miss. River  Spain  French land W. of Miss. River  Britain & Spain trade: Cuba  Florida

15 How do the British win the war? 1. $8 million to fund war 1. $8 million to fund war 2. Larger Army/Navy 2. Larger Army/Navy 3. Militias 3. Militias 4. Iroquois 4. Iroquois

16 IMPACT!!!! 1. Britain blames colonials for war 1. Britain blames colonials for war 2. Repay War debt (taxes) 2. Repay War debt (taxes) 3. Restricted Colonial access to OHR 3. Restricted Colonial access to OHR 4. Weakness in British military 4. Weakness in British military 5. Enforcement of colonial laws 5. Enforcement of colonial laws

17 Proclamation Line of 1763

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