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1 The Bronze C Air Law. 2 Collision Courses – Evasive Action Meeting head-on.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Bronze C Air Law. 2 Collision Courses – Evasive Action Meeting head-on."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Bronze C Air Law

2 2 Collision Courses – Evasive Action Meeting head-on

3 3 both turn right

4 4 When on converging course …

5 5 The aircraft which has the other on its RIGHT must give way

6 6 When landing….

7 7 the lower aircraft has right of way..

8 8 Unless…….. unless the other is in distress

9 9 When landing behind other (powered) aircraft

10 10 When landing behind other (powered) aircraft…. land to their right

11 11 The commander of a tug and glider combination is ….?

12 12 The commander of a tug and glider combination is the tug pilot

13 13 Static Signals Green continuous light Red pyrotechnic flare Red flashing light you may land do not land, wait for permission do not land, aerodrome unfit for landing

14 14 ATZ (Air Traffic Zones) Thin black circle, centered on the middle of the longest runway If that runway is longer than 1850m the ATZ it will have a 5 nautical mile diameter If the runway is less than 1850m the ATZ will have a 4 mile diameter It extends vertically to 2000 above field elevation.

15 15 ATZ…….. Don’t enter the ATZ unless you intend to land there.

16 16 MATZ (Military, Aerodrome Traffic Zone) Circular or oval in shape with one or more short, straight lines showing departure and arrival routes

17 17 MATZ …… DO NOT enter the ATZ unless you intend to land there.

18 18 Maps Carry a map if flying more than 5 miles from your airfield showing designated air space

19 19 Danger areas, Restricted areas and Prohibited areas P204/2.8 prohibited area from surface to 2,800ft Don’t go there!!! P – Prohibited; R – Restricted; D - Danger

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