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Intro to to Greek and Latin Roots. You already are probably at least a little familiar with ancient Greek and Roman...

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to to Greek and Latin Roots. You already are probably at least a little familiar with ancient Greek and Roman..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to to Greek and Latin Roots

2 You already are probably at least a little familiar with ancient Greek and Roman...

3 architecture

4 culture

5 characters wardrobe malfunctio n wardrobe malfunctio n

6 letters and numerals

7 entertainment Excuse me. You’re stepping on my throat!

8 Olympia competitions

9 BCE Ancient Roman Empire 0 CE 500 145509500 800 Ancient Greece

10 Ancient Greece and Rome

11 Greece Rome Rome is in what is now Italy. Greece is right next door.

12 Through colonizing and empire- building, these two civilizations spread their languages across the land for centuries.

13 The Greek Language The Latin Language I speak Greek. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Greek. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Greek. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin. I speak Latin.

14 But why do we care about the languages of two ancient (dead) civilizations?

15 I spoke Greek. I spoke Latin. Who cares?

16 Because, if you speak English, you speak Latin and Greek.

17 I speak Greek. I speak Latin.

18 Greek and Latin roots are word parts that have meaning. Thousands of English words are made from a couple hundred Greek and Latin roots.

19 Mediterranean Take the word for example.

20 Medi terranean is a that means “middle.” Latin root

21 Think about that the next time you order a “ medi um” drink.

22 Mediterranean is a Latin root that means “land.”

23 Mediterranean means “middle of the land.” middle (Latin) land (Latin) Mediterranean

24 I speak Latin.

25 Here’s another one.

26 magn is a Latin root that means

27 fy is a Latin root that means to make

28 Magnify means “make something appear big.” big (Latin) make (Latin) magnify

29 magnitude a measure of how big something is

30 magnate is a person who is big and important in their field

31 Knowledge of Greek and Latin roots is important and useful because it gives you the ability to spot patterns... and figure out unfamiliar words.

32 I know that cracy means “a type of government.” And meritocracy must be “a government based on merit.” So technocracy is “a government based on technology.”

33 In conclusion... Greek and Latin roots are word parts that have meaning. If you know the meaning of the most common Greek and Latin roots, you will know the meaning of thousands of English words.


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