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PARENT FORUM 21/09/15. WHAT IS THE PUPIL PREMIUM? The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their entitled pupils.

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Presentation on theme: "PARENT FORUM 21/09/15. WHAT IS THE PUPIL PREMIUM? The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their entitled pupils."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARENT FORUM 21/09/15

2 WHAT IS THE PUPIL PREMIUM? The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their entitled pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. Since April 2011, a portion of the Department for Education’s budget has been allocated to a scheme – the Pupil Premium – for the individual funding and support of disadvantaged students. In 2014–15 schools were allocated a total of £2.5 billion (about 3% of the DfE’s total spend) for these children.

3 WHY DO WE HAVE THE PUPIL PREMIUM? The government believes that the Pupil Premium is the best way to address the underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their peers. It attempts to close the educational attainment gap which currently exists between school students from poorer families and their better-off peers. ‘In 2013, Free School Meals eligible students were 27% less likely to achieve 5+ A*-C grades at GCSE’ ‘A pupil from a non-deprived background is more than twice as likely to go on to study at university than their deprived peer’

4 CLOSING THE ATTAINMENT GAP AT ESM! The gap between our PP pupils and All pupils has already significantly reduced, with the gap being no greater than 15% in any given subject and as little as 6 % (Year 6 SATS 2015). The gap between PP and non PP still remains, but is reducing… Year 6 SATS results Combined L4 Maths L4 Spag L4 Writing L4 Reading L4 2014 PP 36% (-50%) 45% (-43%) 45% (-35%) 50% (-36%) 68% (-24%) 2014 Non PP 86%88%80%86%92% 2015 PP TBC* 59% (-27%) 66% (-22%) 59% (-23%) 72% (-23%) 79% (-9%) 2015 Non PP TBC* 86%88%82%95%88% *Awaiting published data based on Jan 15 census

5 WHO IS ELIGIBLE? The Pupil Premium is allocated to the school based on the number of pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years, known as: Ever 6 FSM children who have been in care for one day or more, or are registered on the school census as having been adopted from care. (PP+) the children of service personnel, or any pupil in reception to year 11 who has been flagged as a service child since 2011 (known as the ‘Ever 4’ measure) Getting additional students to sign up could unlock a large block of extra funding for the school. Just one or two more sign-ups could fund a major new provision. Ten could pay for a part-time TA. Not sure? Please complete a form available in school to see! This does not mean your child(ren) has to always have school dinners, but it could open up other opportunities which would be advantageous to them and other children alike.



8 WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PUPIL PREMIUM? ‘It can be used to do something bespoke and very powerful in your school…Everyone, from governors to senior management, from teachers to TAs and parents, needs to be involved’ ‘We need to return to some basic questions and answer them more robustly. What factors in individual pupils’ lives are leading to these gaps in the first place?’ Which are the most important of these factors? What are the common factors? Once we answered these in a satisfactory way we can start to design new and more effective interventions to support all. (Ian Wybron in Mind the Gap, the DEMOS blog on the Pupil Premium, 2013)Mind the Gap To do this, we need your input!

9 ESM PUPIL PREMIUM SPEND 2015-16* Some of the factors we have identified so far… Attendance and punctuality Need for social and emotional support (over 40% last year) Limited access to technology and home learning Self esteem, motivation and enjoyment of school Additional learning needs Slower rates of progress for some PP pupils limiting the ability to catch up. Parent requests for support in supporting children Varied aspirations * To be outlined with objectives on the school website Autumn 1 The plan so far… New Breakfast Club Forest School Home Link Support Worker Extended Schools inc music lessons TA led interventions – accelerated progress in phonics, maths, SPAG Computer access via after school clubs – completion of homework Outside agency support, staff training Parent Events and support

10 PARENT VOICE What do your children need to be even more successful? What would you like to see at ESM? Subject support for children Subject support for parents Accessibility Improved attendance and punctuality Motivation Enjoyment Resources Overcoming external factors such as transport, facilities, space at home

11 Thank you for your continued support

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