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MISSING CANDY LAB 1. FINISH step 4 – 8 minutes 2. FINISH step 5 – 10 minutes (there will be one rock sample from each of the types you listed on step 4)

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Presentation on theme: "MISSING CANDY LAB 1. FINISH step 4 – 8 minutes 2. FINISH step 5 – 10 minutes (there will be one rock sample from each of the types you listed on step 4)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MISSING CANDY LAB 1. FINISH step 4 – 8 minutes 2. FINISH step 5 – 10 minutes (there will be one rock sample from each of the types you listed on step 4) Rock C = sandstone Rock E = marble Rock F = dolomite 3. READ THE RUBRIC – 5 minutes 4. CREATE a chart or a powerpoint. It must include a picture of the rock, the rock letter, the class of rock, the type of rock, and WHY it is that particular class & type. This is an individual project. Powerpoints can be emailed to me or brought on a flash drive or print a copy and bring in.


3 WHO STOLE THE CANDY? BELOW IS THE EVIDENCE COLLECTED FROM EACH STAFF MEMBER AND THE ROCKS THEY HAD MISSING FROM THEIR COLLECTION. WHOSE MISSING ROCK COLLECTION MATCHES THE COLLECTION OF ROCKS WE FOUND? Mrs. Kilkenny – two extrusive, one intrusive, one chemical, one clastic, two foliated Mr. Hanby – one foliated, one clastic, one chemical, one organic, two intrusive, one extrusive Coach Morgan – one foliated, one non-foliated, one clastic, one chemical, one organic, one intrusive, one extrusive Mrs. Bower – three intrusive, three extrusive, and one foliated Ms. Winter- two intrusive, two extrusive, two clastic, one chemical The Custodian – one chemical, one clastic, one organic, one foliated, two non foliated, one intrusive

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