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The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE122 – 30 Lab 2: NAND gate.

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Presentation on theme: "The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE122 – 30 Lab 2: NAND gate."— Presentation transcript:

1 The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE122 – 30 Lab 2: NAND gate design using CMOS Jason Woytowich Ritu Bajpai Modified September 11, 2007

2 Propagation Delay Propagation Delay is the amount of time it takes a change of input to appear as a change on the output. Propagation Delay is measured from the 50% point on the input signal to the 50% point on the output. Input Output t pHL

3 Transition time High-low and low high transition times at the output of a gate are defined as t HL and t LH between the 10% and 90% points. t LH 10% 90% t HL 10% 90%

4 Gate Delay The load capacitance severely affects the gate delay. Inv1 Inv2

5 SCMOS Library Scalable CMOS Library Contains (just about) every digital logic component you need to build anything. And, Or, Xor, Nand, Nor, Xnor, Inv, Buf, Flip-flops, Pads, Capacitors, Resistors Each of these components has a specific layout mapped to it. It does not layout individual transistors.

6 Objective for our simulation Create a NAND gate using p and n MOSFET and testing its performance. Testing the performance of a NAND gate from SCMOS library. Comparing the performance of the two NAND gates.


8 Note the parameters W=22u and L=2u





13 Note: In order of appearance the values inside the brackets are lower pulse voltage, higher pulse voltage, pulse delay, rise time, fall time, pulse width, pulse period.


15 t pHL



18 t pLH

19 Analysis/Result Record the rise time and fall time of both the NAND gates. Is the rise time and fall time of each gate same, if no then why? Is the rise time and fall time of both the gates similar to each other, if no then what could be the probable reasons for the difference?

20 Analysis/Result Repeat the simulation to create a NOR gate using CMOS. In the test circuit, replace your NOR gate by the NOR gate in SCMOS library. Record the waveform in the two cases and make the similar observations as you made for NAND gate.

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