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Presentation on theme: "NEW TO NORTHSIDE COHORT, SESSION 1 CLASSROOM CULTURE, 2014-15."— Presentation transcript:


2 KAHOOT QUIZ Get out your device, and go to the website… I need to click here to get the quiz started…

3 THINGS TO CONSIDER... The T.O.D.A.I. Challenge is a fun assessment that reflects the culturally-biased nature of many standardized tests. It is meant to challenge educators to creatively utilize various forms of assessment in determining the mastery of content and skills. In addition, it serves to show how assessments may over-identify or misidentify students for special programs in schools where the delivery of instruction and the curriculum are not culturally relevant.

4 WHAT IS CULTURE? The American Heritage Dictionary provides the following definitions of culture: The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and though. The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization. Development of the intellect through training or education. Enlightenment resulting from such training or education. Intellectual and artistic activity and the works produced by it.

5 WHAT THIS SAYS ABOUT CULTURE IS… Culture is not inherited or something one is born with. Culture can be taught, and it can change. As humans grow, mature, and experience diverse encounters with self and others, cultural shifts can and will occur. The cultural climate of a building and of a classroom is what is practiced, taught, shared, and experienced by all in the environment. It can be shaped and formed to meet the needs of the entire learning community. *** Both teachers and students can enjoy classrooms that are culturally stimulating once they have collaboratively created environments and norms that are culturally responsive.

6 THE BOTTOM LINE : The culture of a classroom is what is created and facilitated by the teacher and student. It is a fluid experience that shifts as learning and relationships develop. Culture climates can be created and they can be changed.

7 CULTURAL CASE STUDY Listen to the case study and reflect on these questions… What perception does the young man have of himself? What environmental factors shaped his current understanding of culture? What perception does Ms. Johnson have of herself? What type of relationship does Ms. Johnson think she has with her students? What do you feel is the actual relationship she has with her students? What is the difference between tolerating a teacher and accepting a teacher? What behaviors or phrases occur that signal to an adult that they are being tolerated, as opposed to being accepted by students? How do students know when a teacher is tolerating them or accepting them?

8 8 rules to fuel your classroom with positive energy! CREATING POSITIVE ENERGY… THE ENERGY BUS

9 It is the most important of all the rules. If you don’t take responsibility for your classroom bus, then you can’t take it where you want it to go! PRINCIPLE #1: YOU ARE THE DRIVER

10 The law of attraction What we think about, we attract Spend time thinking about what you do want rather than what you don’t want PRINCIPLE #2: MOVE YOUR BUS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION

11 Our perception and response to the events determine our outcome! Avoid negativity. PRINCIPLE #3: FUEL YOUR RIDE WITH POSITIVE ENERGY

12 Tell people where you are going and ask them to get on. Build team with positive people. PRINCIPLE #4: INVITE PEOPLE ON YOUR BUS AND SHARE YOUR VISION FOR THE ROAD AHEAD

13 CEO’s live and work with enthusiasm. They tap the power of their heart. They don’t let fear stop them. Be the CEO of your classroom! PRINCIPLE #5: ENTHUSIASM ATTRACTS MORE PASSENGERS AND ENERGIZES THEM DURING THE RIDE

14 Enthusiasm is important… but LOVE is the answer! Five ways to love your passengers: 1- make time for them 2- listen to them 3- recognize them 4- serve them 5- bring out the best in them PRINCIPLE #6: LOVE YOUR PASSENGERS

15 Shared purpose keeps a team energized and together, especially in tough times! PRINCIPLE #7: DRIVE WITH PURPOSE

16 The goal in life is to live young, have fun, and arrive at your final destination with a smile on your face!!! PRINCIPLE #8: HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE RIDE

17 Don’t… Holler at kids Belittle kids Misrepresent Northside Do… Be proactive Work as a team Treat kids they way you want your kids to be treated CULTURE OF NORTHISDE

18 Complete the Classroom Culture packet from Mrs. Bass (all staff must complete this) HOMEWORK…


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