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Lucy Bartholomee’s.  Categories: Photography, Writing, Artwork  (2-D drawings/paintings/multi-media)  High School: 2 winners per category  Grand Prize.

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Presentation on theme: "Lucy Bartholomee’s.  Categories: Photography, Writing, Artwork  (2-D drawings/paintings/multi-media)  High School: 2 winners per category  Grand Prize."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lucy Bartholomee’s

2  Categories: Photography, Writing, Artwork  (2-D drawings/paintings/multi-media)  High School: 2 winners per category  Grand Prize $1000  Runner Up Prize $500  Per category; six awards are given.

3  Categories: Photography, Writing, Artwork  (2-D drawings/paintings/multi-media)  Middle School combines all 2-D work into “Artwork”  Grand Prize $1000  Runner Up Prize $500  Per category; four awards are given  Each winner’s teacher gets an extra $250 scholarship for another student!

4 New Northstar Deadline: January 8 I will collect & mail to the ACIS office in Boston ACIS deadline is January 31, 2016 Winners are decided 1-2 weeks after the deadline Winners are announced, and given credit on their account or a check in the mail!

5  winners-2015 winners-2015

6 Can you tell us how different cultures, communities, and places from around the world impact your daily life? Do you see the influence of other cultures at school? How about at home? Or in your community? These may be traditions, customs, people, or even products that originate from outside of the United States, but shape your life today. We ask that students take this opportunity to think critically about how the world personally influences them as a student and global citizen, and then show that influence creatively through their submissions. Entries for artwork, photography and writing categories are judged on creativity, inventiveness, and how the expression of the idea relates to the theme.

7  Stay on topic  Share your inspiration, excitement, and cultural revelations  If this is your first trip, focus on your hopes and dreams  Don’t talk about money  No technical writing errors  Put your voice into it; reflect your passions, vision, and personal beliefs about travel

8  ACIS Guidelines  Writing pieces must be typed and under one page in length. Both prose (creative and non- fiction) and poetry are acceptable; however, all entries will be judged from the same pool. No electronic files will be accepted. Entries cannot be returned.

9  You have to be the photographer  You can modify your photos, but keep it simple  Reflect travel experiences, color, culture  Check out National Geographic for visual ideas and composition  eocom&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=inside_20150806&utm_campaign=Content&utm_rd=81 2019875

10  Never traveled abroad?  Look through your past pictures for something cultural.  Go someplace interesting in DFW, such as the Japanese Gardens, or attend a cultural festival at a museum  Be creative: get a globe, travel gear, set up an inspiring scene

11  ACIS Guidelines:  Photos should reflect a student's own experience and imagination. Photos may be no larger than 20 inches in any direction. We will accept either color or black and white photos. No slides or electronic files will be accepted. Entries cannot be returned. Please include the following information about your photo: title, location, how the photo relates to the 2016 theme.

12  Start with a concept, an idea that expresses the theme  Develop your visual idea with sketches  Dive in and make some art!  Be ready to do more than one version, then use the best one

13  ACIS Guidelines:  All two-dimensional media are acceptable, including paintings, drawings and collages. Work should not be copied from photos, unless the student has taken the photograph personally or altered the image significantly from the photograph. Artwork may be no larger than 20 inches in any direction. We will accept either original artwork or reproductions (i.e. color photocopies or black and white copies of drawings). ACIS strongly encourages submitting color copies rather than original artwork. No slides or electronic files will be accepted. Entries cannot be returned.

14  Remember to reflect the theme in your writing, photography and artwork.  The written statement to go with your art will be very important, so craft it with care.  I am here to help with this, too.  We will make high quality prints or copies of original artwork and photos to mail to Boston, and will size the prints as needed.  Originals can be sent in, but they won’t be returned.

15  ACIS: “Entries will be judged on creativity and inventiveness in expressing an idea related to the theme. All judges' decisions will be final.”  Remember that these are people who LOVE to travel, and love to share great experiences with teachers and kids. Positive, creative and inspiring work will appeal to them.


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