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Procurement Policy & Processes Kickoff Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Procurement Policy & Processes Kickoff Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procurement Policy & Processes Kickoff Presentation

2 2 Welcome to Procurement Policy & Processes!

3 3 –Background/Purpose –Other State’s Certification Programs –Program 2 Courses Course Outline –Road to Certification –Expectations Knowledge Review –NIGP Re-certification Agenda

4 4 Background: –Performance/knowledge gaps on fundamental understanding of policy and procedures –Widely varying degrees of training throughout various Commonwealth agencies –No formal fundamentals training exists today Exception - DOT Purchasing Academy specific to DOT) Test administered by Civil Service Commission (Purchasing Agent test every 3 years) DGS Procurement Convention was discontinued in 2002 Information from PPC is not being disseminated down to end users –Loss of knowledgeable subject matter experts on the procurement handbook/processes to retirements and organizational changes Purpose: –To establish a standard, consistent base level of procurement knowledge which reduces inconsistencies among agencies and provide a classroom foundation coupled with practical work experience that raises the standards of Commonwealth Procurement Professionals Background

5 5 Virginia VCO - Virginia Contracting Officer VCA - Virginia Contracting Associate Georgia Georgia Certified Purchasing Manager (GCPM) Georgia Certified Purchasing Associate (GCPA) Request for Proposal Certification Team Georgia Marketplace Certification Georgia Certified Purchasing Cart Administrator Texas Certified Texas Procurement Manager (CTPM) Certified Texas Purchaser (CTP) California Basic Acquisition Certificate Program Intermediate Acquisition Certificate Program Florida Project Manager Professional Florida Certified Contract Negotiator Florida Certified Contract Manager Florida Certified Purchasing Agent (FCPA) and Purchasing Manager (FCPM) Oregon Oregon Small Procurement Certification (OSPC) Oregon Contract Administration Certification (OCAC) Administrative Certificate for Oregon Procurement (ACOP) Oregon Procurement Basic Certification (OPBC) Oregon Procurement Advanced Certification (OPAC) States that are now offering/requiring certification training to purchasing staff. Other states are also moving toward certifying purchasing professionals. Some are using the NIGP standards while others are creating their own courses. Other State’s Certification Programs

6 6 Program Procurement Policy and Process for Certified Pennsylvania Purchasing Agent (CPPA) Procurement Policy and Process for Certified Pennsylvania Commodity Specialist (CPCS) Duration:4 Days5 Days Method:Instructor Led Training (Taught by Legal, IT Procurement Manager, Systems Manager, Training Team) Instructor Led Training (was Taught by Legal, Associate Commodity Managers, Commodity Managers, Training Team) Completion:Upon successful completion of the course requirements, candidates will be issued a certificate of achievement (Achieving a passing score of 75% or higher) Course Requirements:Successful completion of the Course and Knowledge Review Course Content:Purchasing Agent Certification Topical Outline.doc Commodity Specialist Certification Topical Outline.doc Requirements:  Mandatory Training for all Purchasing Agents  Training is mandatory for new/existing employees regardless of the number of years of experience  Certification must be obtained within the employees probationary period  ACM’s & CM’s are also included in the certification program  Training is mandatory for new/existing employees regardless of probationary status and or years of experience Notes: Bureau of Procurement will not pursue recertification. Two Courses:

7 7 Introduction to the CPPA Program –Recognize building logistics and class rules –Describe CPPA Program Introduction to Purchasing –Policies /Procedures/Requirements for using COPA resources prior to procurement from vendor –Thresholds and Delegations –Contractor Responsibility –Signature Authority –Small Business Initiative –Purchasing Ethics –IT Procurement Procurement Overview –DGS Web Site Review Procurement Cycle Solicitations –Types and Business Processes –RFI Process –Specifications and Statement of Work –Green Procurement Solicitations (continued) –Bid Openings, Addendums, T&C, Conditioned/Unconditioned, Responsive/Responsible –Protests Contracts –Types and Business Processes –Contract Management –Workflow, Amendments, Award, CRP Checks –Assigning Contract and Interagency Agreements, MOU, IGA Purchase Orders –Types and Process Overview –Goods Receipts and Invoicing P-Card Purchases Right-to-Know Law Requirements Records Retention Introduction to SRM Basics and Supplier Registration Course Outline

8 8 Certificate Prerequisite: As a prerequisite to attending either of the Procurement Policy & Processes courses (Step 4), all students are required to complete the Protest, DGS Bureau of Supplies and Surplus Operations, Cooperative Purchasing, and Supplies Manufactu4red and Services Performed by Persons w/Disabilities (UniqueSource) web-based courses in the LSO. As a prerequisite to the Procurement Policy & Process Commodity Specialist Course, all Commodity Specialists must take the Statement of Work, RFP Policy, and COSTARS web-based courses in addition to the four (4) prerequisites required for the purchasing agents.

9 9 Knowledge review and passing score of 75%: –A re-take of knowledge review will be required if passing score is not achieved Expectations and purpose for this course: –Recognize the policies and procedures of procurement –Understand Legal Authority (Delegation, Signature Authority) –Work with different solicitations types and processes –Identify various contract types and processes –Utilize the purchase order process –Be able to perform your procurement duties ***REMINDER: This is intended to be a fundamentals course for new Purchasing Agents*** What this is not: –Transactional training –Forum for debate of policy Expectations

10 10 Procurement Policy & Process Certificate may be used towards NIGP Re-certification: –If you are certified with NIGP, you may submit a copy of your Procurement Policy & Process course certificate to the Universal Public Purchasing Certification (UPPC) Council for credit towards your re-certification –Questions regarding credit acceptance may be directed to Carol Hodes of the UPPC Council at 1-800-367-6447, ext 253 NIGP Re-certification

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