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INFSO-RI-508833 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE GRNET strategic viewpoint: Research Networks and Grids Panayiotis Tsanakas, Chairman, GRNET.

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Presentation on theme: "INFSO-RI-508833 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE GRNET strategic viewpoint: Research Networks and Grids Panayiotis Tsanakas, Chairman, GRNET."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFSO-RI-508833 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE GRNET strategic viewpoint: Research Networks and Grids Panayiotis Tsanakas, Chairman, GRNET Board of Directors EGEE-HellasGrid Coordination meeting, Athens 12-13/3/2006

2 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 2 GRNET Mission Provide high-quality international and national electronic infrastructure services to the Greek academic and research institutions and to the public and private sector to support their research and educational activities eInfrastucture = Integrated Networking + Grid infrastructures Promote and disseminate the use of ICT in the public and private sector towards an eGovernment, eLearning and eBusiness environment

3 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 3 The EU eInfrastructure vision

4 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 4 Steps to make the vision a reality Research Network projects –GRNET2 project, 2000-2005, 20 MEuro  2,5 Gbps leased lambda backbone network  Pilot dark fiber acquisition projects (15 years lease) + optical equipment  Pilot Grid node @ Demokritos (Isabella) –“105” access project, 2005-2008, 10 MEuro  1 Gigabit Access for ~50 institutes –GRNET3 project, 2005-2008, 30 MEuro (to be funded soon)  Dark fiber research back-bone network in Greece  Optical MANs for Athens, Thessaloniki (the rest to be covered by “93” regional MANs)  Optical equipment RFI already published –PanEuropean connectivity & integration project: GEANT2, 2004-2008 –Regional Support Projects: SEEREN- SEEREN2, Eumedconnect Grid projects –Hellasgrid Task Force, 2002-2004, (support money)  Hellasgrid Strategy Document  Pilot Grid node @ Demokritos (0,5M by GRNET2) –Hellasgrid Project, 2004-2007, ~2 MEuro  ~800 CPUs, ~ 90TB storage (30TB disks + 60 TB tape libraries), 4 advanced video-conferencing Access Grid nodes –Grid Applications Call, 2006-2007,~0,5M –PanEuropean integration projects: EGEE Project, 2004-2006, 1,3MEuros EGEE-II, 2006-2008, 1,8M Euros  Supported operations, training, policies –Regional Support projects: SEEGRID, SEEGRID2, Eumedgrid, EuChinaGrid –Other projects: GridCC, e-IRGSP

5 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 5 National e-Infrastructure Scale > 170 sites in 39 countries > 17 000 CPUs > 5 PB storage > 10 000 concurrent jobs per day > 60 Virtual Organisations

6 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 6 Challenges Network-related –Acquire dark fibers in Greece!  Get actual offers  Legal framework (lease for 15 years) –Acquire the suitable equipment is challenging! –Building and operating the optical network is new to GRNET –Having users exploiting the new possibilities and infrastructures  Dissemination-training should not be underestimated Grid-related –Building the Hellas Grid infrastructure proved to be quite challenging (Housing, SLAs, etc. are slow and tedious) –Getting applications and users to exploit the infrastructure  GRIDAPP project is key for this –Sustainability of the infrastructure and the services

7 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 7 GEANT2 GN2 project, 2004-2008 –Pan-European Research Networking Backbone Two main services: – Routed (Internet) and switched (L1-L2) Backbone mixed: –Part of will be based on dark fiber and own equipment –Part of it on leased services (lambdas and SDH) Greece interconnection: –2 * 10Gbps lambdas

8 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 8 SEEREN 1/2 South-Eastern European Research and Education Network Interconnects the Research and Education Networks of AL, BA, BG, MK, CS, HU, RO and GR among them and to GEANT. Launched and entered its stable operation on Jan. 2004. –SEEREN2 started on Oct 2005. Constitutes today the South Eastern European segment of GÉANT Distributes the Network Management & Operations to competent Academic Groups in the Region (the Virtual Network Operations Center – VNOC concept developed by GRNET). SEEREN capitalized on the growing aspiration of the SEE countries to integrate to the rest of Europe and eventually be equal peers with advanced European nations. Still a major driving force. more at

9 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 9 South-Eastern European Grid-enabled eInfrastructure Development –Establish multiple grid sites in all participating SEE countries and create a regional pilot grid test-bed.  Infrastructure is interoperable and compatible with EGEE grid mgt –Build an eInfrastructures’ Human Network and raise awareness across the R&E community per SEE country –Deploy additional Grid applications developed by SEE-GRID partners in the regional infrastructure, e.g.  Volumetric Image Visualization Environment (VIVE)  Search Engine for South-East Europe (SE4SEE) –Achieve sustainability of the regional grid infrastructure by aiding SEE partners to establish their National Grid Initiatives more at: SEE-GRID: Advancing South-East Europe into the eInfrastructure era

10 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 10 Looking ahead: EUMED & EUCHINAGRID Creation of regional eScience community Setting up pilot Grid in the region Supporting local applications Foster the creation of a intercontinental eScience community –Training people –Supporting existing & new applications Support interoperable infrastructure for grid operations between Europe and China

11 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 EGEE-HellasGrid coordination meeting, March 2006 11 e-IRG and e-IRGSP The e-IRG was formed in 2003 under the Greek EU Presidency ( –Goal: harmonise policies for easy and cost effective shared use of distributed electronic resources across Europe Consists of government delegates from all member countries Publishes White Papers and Roadmaps The e-IRGSP provides support and continuity for the e-IRG Edits White Papers, Roadmaps, coordinates e-IRG work, provides operational assistance Supports international collaboration with other bodies (ESFRI, GGF, OECD, W3C, …)

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