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Journal 11/4 With the person sitting next to you, discuss the culture of the Romans, (think about gov’t, art, education, what they thought of others and.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 11/4 With the person sitting next to you, discuss the culture of the Romans, (think about gov’t, art, education, what they thought of others and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 11/4 With the person sitting next to you, discuss the culture of the Romans, (think about gov’t, art, education, what they thought of others and how the treated them…).

2 RomansGermanic Tribes Fill out the chart with the info. About Rome from last class and the info about Germanic Tribes on 215.

3 Frankly the Strongest. The Franks: Rulers of the Western Roman Empire.

4 CLOVIS A nomadic _____ Takes over _____ 10 years after the fall of_____

5 Charles Martel Leaders after Clovis have problems w/: Charles Martel comes to power and defeats: in the Battle of Tours

6 Charlemagne Means Charles the ____ Pope of ______ Roman Empire asks: When Pope Leo III’s enemies are defeated Char. Is: Results of this action (1)Chrisindom: (2)Questions about the Pope’s power: (3)Emperor of ERE is T.O.ed:

7 Unifying the Empire Spreading __________ Missi Dominici allow him to listen to the ppl: Education: (1)Built ______ (2)Kept good _____ (3)Revival of :

8 Lord Manor Knight Vassal Fief Tithe Peasant Serf

9 How do we explain the world? Think of something you know about the world beyond a shadow of a doubt and write it down… How do you know it to be so? Is there proof? People in the Middle Ages felt this way about EVERYTHING the church said…

10 One Continent, Under God… The Medieval Church

11 Church Hierarchy

12 Church’s Power Pope had Papal Supremacy meaning: Church had its own (1) (2) (3)Punishments Excommunication was: Another severe punishment was: A defiant Lord:

13 Corruption and Prejudice Soon Popes ignore their vow of _______ and start: Church starts collection Indulgences: Use fear as a tactic to: When things go wrong the church blames the _______ EX: The Plague

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