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By Jacob Farnes For CIT-230 Winter 2016.  Declares document type  Normal   Depreciated   Legacy 

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Presentation on theme: "By Jacob Farnes For CIT-230 Winter 2016.  Declares document type  Normal   Depreciated   Legacy "— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jacob Farnes For CIT-230 Winter 2016

2  Declares document type  Normal   Depreciated   Legacy 

3  Declared in a meta tag  Refers to how your document is saved  Must be a valid IANA character set namevalid IANA character set name  Typically UTF-8 or US-ASCII

4  Contents  Text content  Void content  Tags  Tag name  Start tag  End tag  Void tags have start tags but do not have end tags

5  Have no content themselves  Can have Attributes Complete List of Void elements area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr

6  Nested Tags must be ended within their containing tag  Do NOT:  Lorem Ipsum Dolor  DO:  Lorem ipsum dolor

7  Attributes are expressed inside an element start tag.  Attributes have a name and a value   Attributes cannot use ‘ or “ or in the name and values  Double BAD

8  Text in elements and comments must be valid Unicode characters  Cannot be undefined Unicode  Cannot be U+0000 characters  Cannot contain control characters  Character data  Normal text  Replaceable  in title and text area tags  Non-Replaceable  in script and style tags

9  Named  & would become "&"  † would become "†"  Decimal  & becomes “&”  † becomes "†"  Hexadecimal  † becomes "†"  See : sp

10  No, I don’t mean from your users   Comment text  cannot hold tags or have inside it  cannot have -- or ->  cannot end with “–”  Should describe your code well enough that if you died tomorrow, your no-nothing successor could figure out what it was meant to do. (Hit-by-the-bus principle)

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