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Agents of Socialization BR. What might be a difference between an upper and lower class family value?

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Presentation on theme: "Agents of Socialization BR. What might be a difference between an upper and lower class family value?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agents of Socialization BR. What might be a difference between an upper and lower class family value?

2 Family Most important agent of socialization Principal socializer of young children

3 Peer Group Primary group composed of individuals of roughly equal age and similar characteristics

4 School Most of the socialization is deliberate Ages 5 to 18 ( 40 weeks per year )

5 The Mass Media Instruments of communication that reach large audiences with no personal contact



8 Total Institution Setting where people are isolated from society for a set period of time and are subject to tight control. ( prisons, military boot camp )

9 Create examples for each agent of socialization showing how they can impact an individual both in a positive and negative way?

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