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The Internet Mackenzie Birchard ICS4U1-01 Mr. Krnic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internet Mackenzie Birchard ICS4U1-01 Mr. Krnic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Internet Mackenzie Birchard ICS4U1-01 Mr. Krnic

2 History & Development After Russian launch of first satellite into orbit, Sputnik, Americans began to think more seriously about science and technology American schools began to focus more on science and technology (ex. Physics, calculus, other maths) Americans fear of losing telephone system (this was the only way to efficiently communicate long distances) from Soviet attack

3 History & Development In 1962, Licklider, a scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology proposed a solution to telephone loss risk for the ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency for the Department of Defense) o “GALACTIC NETWORK” The idea of computers talking to each other In 1969 first Node-to-Node connection o One computer to another o One computer at UCLA and one at Stanford o Each computer the size of a house o Stanford computer only received the first two letters of message “LOGIN” before crashing the ARPA’s network

4 History & Development By the 1980s, internet was beginning to develop towards public commercial use. In 1989, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) began establishment o Australia o United States o This is who provides internet access to the public First ISP called “The World” was established in November of 1989 ISPs are now very common, and popular ones in Canada include Bell, and Rogers

5 Infrastructure Nobody owns the internet The internet is merely a connection between networks containing computers, not something tangible Since beginning in 1969, the number of computers the internet hosts increased exponentially from 4 computers to tens of millions First IP connection between Europe & North America in 1988

6 Infrastructure

7 Infrastructure – the WWW IP (internet protocol) addresses are used to locate computers or nodes in a network in the WWW (the worldwide web) Domain names are used to identify more than one IP addresses Domain names include a suffix (government) (education) (organization) (military) (well known worldwide) (canada) (thailand)

8 Infrastructure – the WWW Each domain name must translate to a specified IP address A Domain Name System (DNS) must be used to translate domain names (e.g. is an alias for google’s IP) to an associated IP In short, a domain name is an alias for an IP address that is more appealing to people, and a DNS is the translation system A URL is a Uniform Resource Locator, which is a protocol in which to describe the location of something on the internet (resource, webpage, etc.) A web server is what delivers web pages to clients when its IP is requested o Communication takes place during HTTP o Delivers HTML documents HTTP is the hypertext transfer protocol o Foundation of data communication for the WWW o Uses hyperlinks between nodes containing text An application port is the endpoint of communication with a computer’s operating system. o Port numbers specify the service in an operating system that should be communicated with o Most common port to access a web browser is port 80 Mbps is megabits per second o This is how data transfer speeds are measured o 1 Mbps is 1 million bits per 1 second transferred

9 Use of Scripting Languages A scripting language is a language used to write scripts, which are programs written for run-time environment that automate the execution of tasks, which would normally done one at a time by a human user. Scripting languages are interpreted, and not compiled o Not compiling saves time Easier to alter the code—convenient for dynamic languages or environment Scripting languages like JavaScript, because they are executed during run-time, can be implemented within HTML. jQuery is a JavaScript library that builds on JavaScript to ameliorate functionality

10 Use of Markup Languages System to annotate document Syntactically distinguishable from text Instruction text encapsulated by tags Codes enclosed in are the markup instructions (tags) The text in-between the tags is the actual text of document Not programming languages o More easily manipulated than programming languages

11 Available Languages Scripting 1.Javascript 2.Perl 3.ASP 4.PHP 5.Python 6.JSP 7.Tcl Markup 1.HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 2.AppML (Application Markup Language) 3.BML (Bean Markup Language) 4.MML (Mail Markup Language) 5.JSML (Java Speech Markup Language)

12 actionScript Object-oriented programming language Developed by Macromedia (Adobe Systems) Targets adobe flash player platform Initially designed for controlling simple 2 dimensional vectors Data types o String o Number o Boolean o Object o Array o Date o Error o And more!

13 Summary The Internet was sparked by Cold War tensions It took many years to develop the internet into what it is today The Internet has an ornate and highly developed infrastructure consisting of many different components Markup languages are often used to design webpages (HTML) Scripting languages are programming languages that do not require compilation and are easily embedded into webpages using markup languages like HTML

14 References ago-today-the-world-wide-web-opened-to-the- public/#gref ago-today-the-world-wide-web-opened-to-the- public/#gref the-internet the-internet 104/programming-language-vs-markup-language-vs- scripting-language 104/programming-language-vs-markup-language-vs- scripting-language e.html e.html ml ml

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