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Year 6 SATS parents meeting Friday 5 th February 2016.

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1 Year 6 SATS parents meeting Friday 5 th February 2016

2 Aims: To explain the structure and standards of the new tests To explain the implications and strategies to prepare for these tests To give advice on how you can support your child to prepare for these tests. *Will not be describing implications for Secondary School because that is subjective to individual schools – and because it has not been made clear yet

3 Key changes to yr 6 tests/assessments: No more levels Introduction of scaled scores out of 100 (we don’t know what the scales are yet!) One set of tests, taken by all pupils (i.e. no more ‘level 6’ tests. Mental maths replaced by arithmetic test New (interim) assessment framework – children will need to meet all criteria – no longer a ‘best fit’.

4 Two key ‘strands’ Teacher AssessmentTests Teachers will submit a teacher assessment (TA) for each child in each of the following areas: Reading Writing Maths Science Reading, Maths and Science have only two categories – working at the expected and pupils not meeting the expected standard. Writing has four: Working towards expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth with in the expected standard An additional category for pupils who do not meet the ‘working towards’ standard. Reading: reading booklet and associated answer booklet Grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) Paper 1: Short answer questions GPS Paper 2: spelling Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic Mathematics Paper 2: Reasoning Mathematics Paper 3: Reasoning And a Science sampling test

5 National Curriculum test timetable DayTest Monday 9 th MayEnglish Reading Tuesday 10 th MayEnglish grammar, punctuation and spelling test Paper 1 and 2 Wednesday 11 th MayMathematics: Paper 1 and Paper 2 Thursday 12 th MayMathematics: Paper 3

6 Reading Greater focus on fictional texts Greater emphasis on comprehension elements of new curriculum Reading booklet + separate answer booklet 1 hour, 50 marks 3 texts – mixture of genres (poetry likely) Texts will appear in increasing levels of difficulty

7 GPS Greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology with the full range of punctuation tested Technical terms as set out in the new curriculum are explicitly included in the test ent_data/file/335186/PRIMARY_national_curriculum_- _English_220714.pdf ent_data/file/335186/PRIMARY_national_curriculum_- _English_220714.pdf Precise spelling patterns and methodologies (as set out in new curriculum) are the basis of spellings in the test No contextual items Paper 1: short answer question, 45 minutes, 50 marks Paper 2: 20 words to spell, 20 marks, approximately 15 minutes (not strictly timed)

8 Maths 3 papers Paper 1 : arithmetic, 30 minutes, 36 questions, 40 marks Paper 2: Reasoning, 40 minutes, 35 marks Paper 3: reasoning, 40 minutes, 35 marks

9 How will results be reported? Each pupil registered for the tests will receive(reportable to parents): A raw score (number of marks awarded) A scaled score (TBC) Confirmation of whether or not they have attained the expected standard

10 Writing – TA judgements All writing will be moderated based on interim frameworks for 2015/2016 only Must have evidence that a pupil can demonstrate consistent attainment of ALL the statements within the standard AND all the statements in any preceding standard(s) Work from across the year will be considered and from across the curriculum e.g. topic books Taken into account: -written, practical and oral classwork Results of informally administered tests taken in class homework

11 How we are preparing for tests!

12 Reading Daily guided reading using key tests and focusing on specific skills such as retrieval (Understand, summarise, retrieve and record information from texts, including non-fiction), interpretation (Deduce, infer or predict information, events or ideas from text, justifying using the text). Quality texts used as a basis English lessons – The Hobbit, Tales from Outer Suburbia etc. A focus on reading for writing. Poetry units every ‘long term’ Opportunities to use reading skills across the curriculum Target ‘I can’ statements in reading records Focused 1:1 reading with individuals Reading comprehension woven into English lessons Practice papers from term 4 onwards Encouraging reading quality texts

13 Reading – what can you do to support Encourage and model regular reading (for enjoyment and for purpose) Discussing with your child what they are reading Encourage reading quality/challenging texts as well as those that are simply for enjoyment at home Asking questions based around the targets in their reading records Encourage, motivate and praise!

14 GPS Focused Grammar and punctuation lessons with Miss Monaghan on Wednesdays Application of grammar/punctuation learning with Mrs Spencer throughout the week Each child has writing targets with specific grammar and punctuation reference Specific success criteria for writing modelled in class (using quality texts as examples of excellence) Specific spelling weekly focus lessons and subsequent homework tasks to apply (based on national curriculum content) High expectations for writing through the curriculum (topic books etc) Afternoon intervention sessions from term four Motivation and praise – World Cup writers, star certificates – sent to Mrs H Smith for effort etc

15 GPS/writing - what you can do to support Support children with their spelling application homework by – 1.Encouraging learning spellings – help them to practice rules 2.Support planning of ideas for writing (talk for writing – ask them to articulate what they are going to write and in what order) 3.Ask about vocabulary and punctuation choices 4.Encourage editing – checking for spelling, grammar, sense 5.Encourage joined neat handwriting! See grammar progression chart available on website

16 Maths Focus on: Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving

17 Fluency Relentless push on knowing x times and related divisions – hence weekly tests/homework until all learnt – constant reference in class Fluency timed practice as starters Focus on the Four pillars of maths – 1.Place value 2.Memorised number facts 3.Images and models 4.Doubling and halving Fluency maths sheets during guided work rotation

18 Reasoning Using and getting children to use reasoning statements e.g. Because If this is true then….. I know that the next one is………because………… When I tried…………I noticed that……………. The pattern looks like……………… All the numbers begin with………………. If…………….. then……………. This won’t work because……………..

19 Problem Solving Application of skills learnt through unit of work – giving problems a context. Using ‘problem solving tool box’ as an aid to problem solving RUCSAC

20 Maths In term four we will also: Create ‘revision’ plans with the children individually Send home revision booklets for maths to support learning Do mock tests, especially timed fluency ones to support the children with speed and conciseness of answers Motivate, praise, encourage Afternoon intervention sessions from term four

21 Useful links: Age related expectations for end of Key Stage 2: teacher-assessment-at-the-end-of-key-stage-2 teacher-assessment-at-the-end-of-key-stage-2 Site with links to all the sample papers (for reference as will use in class) assessments-2016-sample-materials assessments-2016-sample-materials The Badgers Blog – a forum for which the children/myself can post links to revision websites/games etc Will include links to practice sites such as: - place value/multiplication and division based games - problem solving

22 Any questions? Please feel free to contact me!

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