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 Summary… Odysseus kills Antinous first; the suitors are angry and confused. Telemachus and Odysseus kill some of the suitors before Telemachus goes.

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2  Summary… Odysseus kills Antinous first; the suitors are angry and confused. Telemachus and Odysseus kill some of the suitors before Telemachus goes to get weapons and armour for Odysseus. Melanthius finds the unlocked weapons room and brings weapons to the suitors. When he goes back to get more, Eumaeus and Philoetius catch him and tie him up. As Odysseus calls on the gods for help, the suitors mock the gods. Athene misguides their attacks. Odysseus kills the suitors and his traitorous male staff but spares those that remained loyal. When all the suitors are dead, Eurycleia is told to gather all the traitorous women and help clean up. The women are then hanged. Melanthius is tortured and killed. The house is fumigated and Odysseus calls for Penelope.

3   Recognition  Odysseus is recognised as he throws off his rags and chastises the suitors for their ill behaviour  Restoration  The social order in Ithaca is restored as the king returns  Revenge  Odysseus (and others) gain their revenge on the suitors for all of the wrong they have done; the disloyal servants are also punished. The Three R’s

4   Homeric Hero  Role of the Gods  Hospitality  “Their own transgressions have brought them to this ignominious end” – Odysseus. Revenge

5   With particular reference to “the hero’s right”, discuss in detail THREE reasons why Odysseus is totally uncompromising when he kills the Suitors.  (ie What have the suitors done to offend and aggrieve Odysseus?) “The spirit of Odysseus’ revenge is almost totally uncompromising … Revenge was the hero’s right.” (D. A. Little)

6   Athene has assisted Odysseus throughout the text yet her role in Book 22 is different to her role in others.  How does she interfere in the lives of the humans in this Book – what is the affect?  What are the gods’ thoughts on Odysseus’ revengeful actions and how do you know this? Role of the Gods

7   Hospitality is summed up in this Book. What messages are given about hospitality or the lack of?  (actions and consequences) Hospitality

8   The development of Telemachus from child to confident leader has been seen throughout the Text.  In this Book he shows leadership in many ways – how and where? Use the following points to help you:  Amphinomus  Killing suitors  Phemius and Medon  Punishment Telemachus – the Leader

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