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Christ Through Us, II CS 654 Spiritual Formation in Congregations.

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Presentation on theme: "Christ Through Us, II CS 654 Spiritual Formation in Congregations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christ Through Us, II CS 654 Spiritual Formation in Congregations

2 Missional – a corporate perspective God’s work in the world is assigned to the whole church.

3 Missional – a corporate perspective God’s work in the world is assigned to the whole church. Individuals contribute in a way that is consistent with their giftedness

4 Missional – a corporate perspective God’s work in the world is assigned to the whole church. Individuals contribute in a way that is consistent with their giftedness Celebrate the gifts of others and get on with your task and calling

5 Frederick Buechner “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet”

6 The journey toward gladness There is a journey to get to each “place” of gladness.

7 The journey toward gladness There is a journey to get to each “place” of gladness. At each point, another “leg” of the journey begins.

8 The journey is long I have discovered the place of gladness I can’t imagine something better except for heaven Getting here has taken a long time

9 Along the way, we learn… Contentment Joy Godly Passion Engagement with God Sacrifice Suffering Attentiveness Discernment through Listening Prayer Obedience Giftedness Spiritual Discipline

10 Glen Scorgie “It is not God’s characteristic style to reveal too much of our true vocation until we have settled whether we will obey his call”

11 Ordinariness “Dare to love and to be a real friend. The love you give and receive is a reality that will lead you closer and closer to God as well as [to] those whom God has given you to love”— Nouwen “God’s unconditional love embraces [us] despite [our] being unspectacular”—Scorgie

12 Missing God’s best What if we miss God’s best vocational design?

13 Missing God’s best What if we miss God’s best vocational design? God is the best webmaster—the return loops are coded into the software…

14 The dynamics of Christian Spirituality are… Linked together Dependent on one another Equally important to spiritual health

15 Mission Possible Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to walk alongside others as you and as they work and pray on the journey toward godliness and gladness as disciples of Jesus.

16 Create space for God Chronological space Psychological space Physical space

17 Final Thought Develop your friendship with God and community, allow God to transform you, work listening.

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