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Create a Connection Jessy Rangel Cayla Hicks. What can you make?

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Presentation on theme: "Create a Connection Jessy Rangel Cayla Hicks. What can you make?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Create a Connection Jessy Rangel Cayla Hicks

2 What can you make?

3 Why are We Here? Increase Sales What is happening in the market? What do we need to compete? Strategies

4 In the Industry Electronic, Electronic, Electronic Tools for learning and development Fast, right now Easily entertained Crayola Model Magic, Legos, Leap Frog Development and Learning Games, Rose Art Fun Dough, etc.

5 Strengths Leading competitor in creative play and molding clay Variety of Play Sets Online Content Availability Line Extensions Affordability

6 Weaknesses Behind on industry trends Little advertising Mature Product Indoor toy Messy

7 Opportunity Grandparents Place more commercials In store visuals Public Relations

8 Threats Crayola Model Magic Interactive gaming Rose Art Fun Dough

9 Solving the Problem Market to Grandparents of children ages 2- 8

10 Insights Invested interest in child Want to create strong bonds Two working parents, grandparents are heavily involved in care No one in the category/industry is targeting grandparents Play-Doh is better for a child’s brain development than technology

11 Target Grandparents of children ages 2-8 Live in the Chicago area Lapsed users, who have knowledge of Play-Doh, and maybe gave it to their children when they were young Concerned about how technology is affecting their grandchildren’s creativity and learning development

12 Strategy & Key Idea Convince grandparents of children ages 2- 8 to consider Play-Doh because it can help develop their grandchild’s creativity and is better for them than technology Help them connect and bond with their grandchildren

13 Television Kid playing video game in living room. Grandparent sitting on sofa reading newspaper Play-Doh is sitting in play area of assorted toys. The can of play-Doh begins to open and army guy walks out. Runs out and unplugs chord in wall. While character is running grandparent is trying to smack it with newspaper to smash it. Once the power is killed and child notices they also join in trying to smash the guy with the remote. They both whack the play-Doh guy at the same time and knock him into the TV where he splatters across the screen. The Play-Doh logo appears and kids shout create the connection. The commercial will run during morning news programs, soap operas, and evening crime dramas.

14 Connect With Your Grandkids Without the Cable Print Headline: Connect With Your Grandkids Without the Cable Body Copy: Because you understand this type of positive reaction Play-Doh logo placed at bottom/center Create a Connection Because you understand this type of positive reaction

15 Out of Home A battery with power bars of different colors of Play-Doh Colors go from lighter at the top to darker colors at the bottom of the battery, signifying battery losing power Caption underneath reads, “What happens when the battery runs out?” Ads will be placed at CTA bus stops throughout Chicago.

16 Ambient Giant Play-Doh computer in Millennium Park. Cords running out of the computer traveling all through the park Screen of the computer will have a message explaining the benefits for children who play with Play-Doh

17 Social Networking Hold a contest on Facebook Grandparents and their grandchildren build something with Play-Doh They submit the pictures to the Facebook website for judging by Play-Doh employees The winner receives a cruise for them and their grandchild Second place receives a Play-Doh prize pack and select play sets.

18 Thank You!

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