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1. AIMS To increase knowledge of topics which are on the syllabus. To highlight areas that you know and areas that you are less confident in. To familarise.

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Presentation on theme: "1. AIMS To increase knowledge of topics which are on the syllabus. To highlight areas that you know and areas that you are less confident in. To familarise."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. AIMS To increase knowledge of topics which are on the syllabus. To highlight areas that you know and areas that you are less confident in. To familarise yourself with exam questions

2  Two compulsory questions worth 12 marks each.  Broken down into different parts

3  Nearly always a question on this!  Usually involve a diagram  Asked to name a movement occurring at a joint  Asked the agonist  Sometime ask contraction type (eccentric only happen on the downward phase of press up / squat),  planes and axis (usually sagittal transverse)  Levers- you may be asked to sketch a diagram and label

4  Popular questions on stroke volume and cardiac output.  Factors affecting stroke volume-  Venous return, elasticity of cardiac fibres (starlings law), greater force of contraction  Vascular system- most popular q on redistribution of blood  Chemoreceptors detect increase co2, vasoconstriction, vasodilation and precapillary spincters

5  Common questions-  Identify lung volumes and the effects of exercise on these.  Explanation of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve- why does it shift to the right?

6  Questions appear on almost every paper  Definitions of fitness components  Descriptions of tests for fitness components  Explain validity or reliability  Identify fitness components for particular sports performers

7  Questions based on-  Balanced diet  What diet is suitable for which particular types of performers?

8  This question is applied and is an ESSAY question  You will be asked to include both applied physiology and skill acquisition  This is a banded question so you will be marked on-  Addressing all areas of the question, spelling punctuation and grammar, use of technical language  You must write as much as you know- not just 12 points!

9 PHYSIOLOGY  Principles of training  Working intensity  Fitness testing  Limitations of fitness tests  Effects of warm up and cool downs  Training methods SKILL ACQUISITION  Factors to consider when planning a training session  Teaching styles  Methods of presenting practice  Types of practice  Methods of guidance  Feedback

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