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AMS102 Elements in Statistics Prof. Kenny Ye Office: Math 1-117 Phone: 632-9344 Office Hours: TuTh 3:30-4:30.

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Presentation on theme: "AMS102 Elements in Statistics Prof. Kenny Ye Office: Math 1-117 Phone: 632-9344 Office Hours: TuTh 3:30-4:30."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMS102 Elements in Statistics Prof. Kenny Ye Office: Math 1-117 Phone: 632-9344 E-mail: Office Hours: TuTh 3:30-4:30

2 Textbook: Statistics Principles and Methods, 4th edition, by Johnson and Bhattacharyya. Course Website:

3 Teaching Assistants Grading Help Lab: Harriman 010, see course website for schedules

4 Calculator and Computers Scientific calculator for two-variable statistics Statistics software: MINITAB Campus SINC sites

5 Exams Midterm I - Oct. 9 th Midterm II - Nov. 13 th Final – Dec. 19th Take the better of –Final Grade –25% x (Midterm I + Midterm II) + 50% x Final Count towards 85% of the course grade

6 Make-up Exams are only given for medical reasons. A doctor’s note must be provided.

7 Quizzes 10 Quizzes Every Tuesday except – the first week – the exam weeks – the weeks after the exam Two lowest will be dropped. No make-up will be given Count towards 15% of the course grade.

8 Course Grade Curves 30% A/A- 40% B+/B/B- 20-30% C+/C 0-10% D or below

9 Homework Assignments Assigned Weekly Graded by TAs Collected every Thursday in lecture No late homework is accepted Up to five bonus points (5% of total)

10 Guideline for Homework Use only letter size paper (8in x 11in). Always use a new sheet for a new problem. Use a cover sheet with your name, your student ID. You are encouraged to work together and help each other finishing the homework, but you MUST NOT copy other’s work. You must write down the work completely on your own. Must show each step of your work. Must give discussions if asked. Do not have to type but handwriting must be legible. Graded check plus, check and check minus.

11 Cheating in exams and quizzes, if caught, automatically results failure of the course

12 If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, I would urge that you contact the staff in the Disabled Student Services office (DSS). DSS will review your concerns and determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation of disability are confidential.

13 Several Tips Be a thinker, ask WHY, WHAT before HOW Do not fall behind Come to the lectures Read the textbook (and before you) Do the homework assignments

14 Statistics Information gathering and knowledge discovering from data Data Collection –Observational Study –Experiments Data Analysis –Descriptive Statistics –Inference

15 Application of Statistics Scientific Research –Physical Science, Life Science, Social Science Government Administration Economics and Business Military Agriculture Manufacturing and Engineering

16 Reading Assignment Page 655-659

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