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Cleveland Case Study Mr. Bach United States History.

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Presentation on theme: "Cleveland Case Study Mr. Bach United States History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cleveland Case Study Mr. Bach United States History

2 Early Cleveland Founded by Moses Cleaveland - Revolutionary War General. Sent by Connecticut Land Company to scout the Western Reserve. Decided to locate capital of Western Reserve at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River.

3 Western Reserve At first, the original 13 states had no western boundaries. Cleveland area was part of Connecticut's “Western Reserve” That’s why the old buildings resemble those in New England.

4 Hudson

5 Immigrant Neighborhoods

6 Early Food Market

7 Ohio and Erie Canal

8 Cleveland Road Building

9 Cedar Hill - 1900

10 Superior Avenue Bridge

11 Standard Oil of Ohio

12 Millionaires Row

13 Shaker Heights Originally a settlement of the Shaker religion. Suburb established by the Van Sweringen brothers. Winding Streets - discourage through traffic. Houses set back from roads. Park System Rapid Transit Line provides access to downtown Cleveland

14 Shaker Heights Homes

15 Shaker Rapid Transit

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