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Review for the 1 st 3 week exam.  The Dawes Act of 1877 was meant for the Indians to assimilate (change to white culture) into America and to free up.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for the 1 st 3 week exam.  The Dawes Act of 1877 was meant for the Indians to assimilate (change to white culture) into America and to free up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for the 1 st 3 week exam

2  The Dawes Act of 1877 was meant for the Indians to assimilate (change to white culture) into America and to free up land for white settlers. The Indians as well as immigrants learned how to assimilate in schools. This process was called Americanization. Americanization encouraged the Indians and immigrants to learn how to speak and communicate in English. Many of the immigrants came to the United States to pursue the American Dream (to get rich & own property)

3 How did the railroad help settle the west?  The growth of the railroad helped the growth of the west and increased the economy.

4  The Homestead Act of 1862 gave settlers free land to live and farm. This resulted in a large increase in the population of the West, where the free land was located.

5  The Declaration of Independence was a written format of all the different reasons why the colonies should break away from Great Britain. Fifty Six (56) founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. The most noticeable and biggest signature on the Declaration of Independence is John Hancock. The motto that symbolized the unity of the 13 colonies coming together to create and sign the Declaration of Independence was E Pluribus Unum meaning Out of Many, One.

6  What are suffrage amendments?  Suffrage means the right to vote  15 th amendment gave former slaves the right to vote.  19 th amendment gave women the right to vote.  This liberty is protected in the Bill of Rights.

7  New production techniques helped the growth of the steel industry. This lead to industrialization where skilled craftsmen (someone who is excellent at what they do) were replaced by unskilled workers who worked as machine operators in factories. This helped Andrew Carnegie who organized large scale production and used the profits to help people in need.

8  One of Alexis de Tocqueville’s 5 values was egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is based on a belief that all people are equal and should enjoy equal social, political, and economic rights and opportunities, which is something that lacked in Europe because of the social classes that people were born into and couldn’t change.

9  Laissez- faire—hands off approach to government. This allowed big businesses to grow and invest without the government interfering.



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