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Class(1) : Sarcodina Order 1: Foraminiferida e.g: Elphidium sp

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1 Class(1) : Sarcodina Order 1: Foraminiferida e.g: Elphidium sp
(polystomella shell ) which is Multilocular and have spiral shape.

2 Order 2: Helizoida e.g 1: Actinosphaerium sp .
It’s spherical ,large and multinucleate.

3 e.g 2 : Clathrulina sp With an enclosing envelope contain large nuclei,stalk .

4 Order 3: Radiolaria Various forms of radiolarians skeletons which may formed of spines in a lattice – network .

5 Radiolaria ..e.g:Collozoum sp
They contain number of capsules embedded in extra-capsular cytoplasm ..around these capsules there is number of spines.

6 Class (2): Sporozoa Order 1 : Eugregarinida
e.g1: Gregarina sp Members of the genus Gregarina are commonly found as parasites in insects, particularly beetles.  The beetle is infected when it ingests a "spore" containing sporozoites.  The sporozoites form gamonts, the gamonts fuse, (fertilization)  The resulting zygote eventually forms sporozoites (and the "spore"). A histological section of an insect gut showing gamonts of Gregarina sp.  The gamont is composed of two parts that appear to be separated by a septa.  The smaller section is called the protomerite, and the larger section is called the deutomerite.

7 e.g2: Monocystis sp . The adults, or mature trophozoites, are commonly to be found within the seminal vesicles of the earthworm. There is a thick pellicle beneath which, are myonemes. There is also an ovoid nucleus .Locomotion of the parasite is characterised by contraction of the myonemes; it is known as gregarine motion.

8 Monocystis sp The parasite feeds on the cytoplasm of a sperm morula by extruding enzymes and absorbing the digested products through the pellicle. It will frequently move to another morula and consume the cytoplasm, before it is fully-grown. Often numerous sperm tails adhere to the pellicle, giving the Monocystis a ciliated appearance.

9 Order 2: Eimeriida e.g :Eimeria sp
Eimeria stiedae causes hepatic coccidiosis  in rabbits which become infected by ingestion of sporulated oocysts.

10 Order 3: Plasmodiida  Infection by plasmodium organisms is known as malaria. Of the over 200 known species of Plasmodium, at least 11 species infect humans.  The parasite always has two hosts in its life cycle: a vector—usually a mosquito—and a vertebrate host. Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium malariae

11 general Life cycle of plasmodium sp

12 Anopheles sp (Vectors of malaria)

13 Plasmodium sp in RBCs (intracellular)

14 Don’t Forget Trypanosoma sp is in between RBCs not (in RBCs).(Intercellular) .

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