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SOCIO-ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF ITS- INVESTMENTS How to make cost-benefit analyses to a better tool for analysing the socio-economic profitability of ITS-investments.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIO-ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF ITS- INVESTMENTS How to make cost-benefit analyses to a better tool for analysing the socio-economic profitability of ITS-investments."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIO-ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF ITS- INVESTMENTS How to make cost-benefit analyses to a better tool for analysing the socio-economic profitability of ITS-investments.

2 Content of the project Brief overview over different areas of application Selection of alternatives Literature studies Socio-economic evaluation of consequences, except road-user utility Different solutions for road-user utility Discount future amounts. Summarise to find net present value.

3 Areas of application and delimitation of the project Traffic monitoring and traffic management Public transport Freight transport Payment systems and access control Navigation systems “The intelligent vehicle” ­Disregard projects of “personal character” ­Concentrate on areas supported by public funds. The information is available for all travellers. =Main focus on traffic monitoring and traffic management

4 Socio-economic estimation of value Consequences: Investment costs Operating costs Maintenance costs Eventually environmental and accident costs  Other risk evaluation for ITS-investments than for traditional investments

5 Road-user utility... Basis alternative: -G 0 = Generalised cost -X 0 = Number of travel Initiative alternative: -G 1 = Reduced generalised cost -X 1 = Increased number of travel Demand curve Generalised traveller cost X 0 X 1 Travel G0G1G0G1 … is the change in consumers’ surplus as a consequence of the initiative. Improvement of quality is not included in the generalised cost, but in the “not- priced” effect of the initiative. Information might give better quality, but how can that be measured ?

6 Road-user utility Different ways to measure road-user benefit: Traditional cost/benefit analyse Revealed Preference or Stated Preference Travel cost

7 Transport models Micro-simulation Macro-simulation  Simulation with AND without information

8 Conclusions Transportation models: Initiatives for better road-user information can be modelled by micro-simulation, but have to calculate macro-parameters like travel-time and vehicle-kilometre. Data: Several data are necessary to model the road-user behaviour. Road-user utility: Alternative methods for measuring. Stated preference-test, and travel-cost which allow for divagation from expected arrival time. Risk evaluation: Appraise the difference in systematic risk for the ITS-project compared to investments in infrastructure, and then choose discount rate.

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