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Fremont Unified Secondary Math Pathways

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1 Fremont Unified Secondary Math Pathways

2 Current Secondary Math Pathways
GFA CC2/GFA GFA/Alg 1 How were they developed? developed by district math teachers based on years of research in math education. Aligned with the common core standards for mathematics and California Math Framework. Why new math standards? How are they different? FOCUS-fewer topics taught more deeply RIGOR deep conceptual understanding Learning progressions. Sequence of standards is mathematically correct and the progression from topic to topic is logical. Old math standards -rote memorization.

3 UC Qualified with No Acceleration
GFA More rigorous K-8 standards are placed at specific grade levels High school standards grouped by domains CC3- content is 80% of the old algebra 1 standards with geometry standards for CONTEXT and statistics Alg 1- former Algebra II standards 8th grade course name change: CC3 is now called Geometry and Foundational Algebra (GFA)

4 Junior High Pathways GFA /GFA GFA/ Grade Level Pathway
Sixth grade is an especially important year for bridging concrete Abstract 6th grade math placement test Accelerated= Compaction no skimming or skipping of content in our accelerated pathway. One of the recommended methods for acceleration from CA Math Framework and the Appendices of the Common Core Standards. Research agrees that middle school grades are key. When the expectation for math education was about speed and accuracy of computation, it made sense to accelerate in middle school and even skip Framework recommends maximum compacting of 3 years into 2 years /GFA GFA/

5 Support Class at Grade 8 CC3 Students who earn a grade of D or F GFA
Algebra Readiness CC3 GFA GFA Possibly with a second period of math support

6 Summer Bridge Class Offered only to 7th graders
Grade Level Pathway GFA Summer Bridge (Part of CC3) Sixth grade is an especially important year for bridging concrete Abstract 6th grade math placement test Accelerated= Compaction no skimming or skipping of content in our accelerated pathway. One of the recommended methods for acceleration from CA Math Framework and the Appendices of the Common Core Standards. Research agrees that middle school grades are key. When the expectation for math education was about speed and accuracy of computation, it made sense to accelerate in middle school and even skip Framework recommends maximum compacting of 3 years into 2 years GFA GFA/

7 Options for Junior High Accelerated Students in High School
1. Move to non-accelerated pathway 2. Move to high school accelerated pathway Criteria: B- or higher for both semesters of 8th and B or higher on class assessments/district benchmarks 9th 10th 11th 12th GFA/Alg 1 B on district benchmarks Courses must continue to follow the logical learning sequence High School Acceleration possible due to overlap of alg2 and precalc

8 Entering Accelerated Pathway in 10th Grade
Criteria: Grade of “A” for both semesters and 90% or above on all assessments/district benchmarks. Possible because of overlap in some standards in algebra 2/Trig and Pre-Calculus. Criteria: A for semesters and 90% on assessments This compaction is one shown in California Math Framework The high school compaction will be rigorous, but is achievable.  Our math teachers feel confident about this course

9 Additional Course Options
Allow students on non-accelerated pathway to take Algebra 2 or Algebra 2/Trig as an elective Possible because: Prequisite course for success in geometry is Algebra 1 Algebra I is also the prerequisite for Algebra II By 10th grade student maturity has developed to allow a double of math courses

10 Prerequisites for High School Science
Course Prerequisites Chemistry Honors Chem Algebra 1 (C), Biology (C) Algebra 1 (C) , Honors Bio (C) or Bio (B) Physics Alg II/Trig, Chemistry (C) or 2 yrs college Prep math and concurrent Alg II/Trig Honors Physics Chemistry (B) and Alg II/Trig AP Biology Biology or Honors Biology; no math req AP Chemistry Strongly recommended: Chem (A or B), AP Physics Chem (A or B), Alg II/ Trig (A or B), PreCalc (A or B) or concurrent enrollment in PreCalculus AP Physics C Physics or AP Physics (A or B) and Calculus (A or B) or concurrent enrollment in Calculus

11 See the High School Course Catalog on the District Website for more info

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