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Likelihood of Completion Depends on Level of Unpreparedness Community College Pre-College Level Remedial Math Sequence.

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Presentation on theme: "Likelihood of Completion Depends on Level of Unpreparedness Community College Pre-College Level Remedial Math Sequence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Likelihood of Completion Depends on Level of Unpreparedness Community College Pre-College Level Remedial Math Sequence

2 Statewide Remedial Math Success 2

3 The Renegades Journey Students take test at BC and are placed by test scores. Students are placed by Jr HS GPA and placed in English or initial bumped up in Math and then placed in next class by Sr HS course grade. Students take test at high schools and BC and are bumped up one level above test score by senior HS GPA and course grade. New students will still take test, But grades in English and Math will be given first consideration for placement. Placement is based on a combination of grades and test scores. Prior and 2013 2014 2015 2016

4 CCRC Research Belfield and Crosta (February 2012) Predicting Success in College: The Importance of Placement Tests and High School Transcripts tests-transcripts.pdf tests-transcripts.pdf Scott-Clayton, J (February, 2012) Do High-Stakes Placement Exams Predict College Success? Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University Clayton, Crosta, Belfield (Oct 2012) Improving the Targeting of Treatment: Evidence from College Remediation. National Bureau of Economic Research John Hetts & Terrence Willet RPGroup (2013). Long Beach City College STEPS (Student Transcript-Enhanced Placement Project) placement-project placement-project Peter Bahr -Bakersfield College Report Pathways in Developmental Math and English at Bakersfield College:Historical Analysis of Student Course-Taking Behavior, 2000 to 2013 by Peter Riley Bahr Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, University of Michigan Forces at plan on BC

5 Stage 2 2014 Campus Based 84% of students tested in as remedial Increased student placement in transfer level math by 9% and in Transfer English by 3% Saved over 361 semesters through bumping 199 semesters by accelerating and compression 199 semesters Placed hire through testing at campus level 824 semesters saved in this year with the 454 students that had completed records



8 Progress of First-time Students in Development Mathematics at Bakersfield College First Attempt Dev Math Skills 3,551 students attempted 65 % successful Only 1,456 (41%) students attempted next level test First Attempt Arithmetic/Pre-Alg 8,566 students attempted 56 % successful Only 3,784 (44%) students attempted next level test First Attempt Beginning Algebra 11,765 students attempted 43 % successful Only 3,823 (32%) students attempted next level test First Attempt Intermediate Algebra 9,593 students attempted 48 % successful Only 2,588(27%) students attempted next level test Lost 24% Lost 12% Lost 11% Lost 21%

9 Total Pathway Cost to Students $1,677,552$208,851 ACDV 201, ACDV 65, ENGL 60, ENGL 50 HS GPA & ENGL Grades, ENGL 53 Combining Multiple Measures With Accelerated Classes creates a great cost savings and great opportunity for students to succeed

10 BC Philosophy behind MMs and Assessment Tests aren’t always the best measures alone Tests alone are TERRIBLE measures The goal is to predict success More information provides better placement We need to simplify the algorithm – junior year grades Not perfect, iterative – don’t wait Thousands of reasons to START NOW 10

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