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Spongebob, the English Grading Policy, and You (With very little Spongebob.) The following are changes to the English grading policy that effect you as.

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Presentation on theme: "Spongebob, the English Grading Policy, and You (With very little Spongebob.) The following are changes to the English grading policy that effect you as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spongebob, the English Grading Policy, and You (With very little Spongebob.) The following are changes to the English grading policy that effect you as a student!

2 Grading Categories Pre AP and On-Level ▫Process 60%  (formerly formatives) ▫Product 40%  (formerly summatives) AP ▫Process (40%)  (formerly formatives) ▫Product (60%)  (formerly summatives) These will be the only two categories! (Student Expectations is out the window, along with the other skill-based categories!) You will be assigned a minimum of 6 process grades and 2 product grades for each six weeks.

3 Homework If you fail to turn in a homework assignment on time, you will lose 5 points a day until you get to the floor defined by your teacher.

4 Missing or Late Work All missing or incomplete process (formative) assignments must be completed by the date of the associated product (summative) assignment. ▫It doesn’t make sense for you to turn in a worksheet that was intended to prepare you for a test after you have taken the test! ▫If you turn these assignments in after this point, you will receive a 0. Remember, if an assignment is late, you will lose 5 points a day until you turn it in. Missed product or summative assignments must be completed as soon as possible.

5 Retesting You may retest on ANY assignment (yes, process or product!) if you receive a grade lower than a 70. However, the maximum score you can get on the retake is a 70. You will have 5 school days upon the return of a product (summative) assignment to retake. ▫You must see me for remediation/tutoring ▫The test will be different than the original You can retake a process (formative) assignment up until the summative is given.

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