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DESIGN AUTOBIOGRAPHY By: Lexi Watts. ARTIFACT 1: IPHONE Every morning I wake up and start off my day by looking at my iPhone. It allows me to see text.

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Presentation on theme: "DESIGN AUTOBIOGRAPHY By: Lexi Watts. ARTIFACT 1: IPHONE Every morning I wake up and start off my day by looking at my iPhone. It allows me to see text."— Presentation transcript:


2 ARTIFACT 1: IPHONE Every morning I wake up and start off my day by looking at my iPhone. It allows me to see text messages and emails as well as social media. I use it everyday and it is an essential part of my life. Photo: hero-2015?wid=300&hei=300&fmt=png-alpha&qlt=95&.v=1441814122616

3 ARTIFACT 2: DANCE STUDIO Being a dancer as well as a choreographer, i have to use a studio everyday. My students and peers value this space as well. It is an interest of mine, to dance, therefore a space such as this one is extremely important to me. Photo: Personal photo

4 ARTIFACT 3: LAPTOP Photo: My laptop is also something that i use every day. I use it mainly to do homework, write papers and read emails. Without it, school would be extremely difficult. It is important to me that I get good grades and my laptop helps me do that.

5 ARTIFACT 4:CAR Due to the fact that i live on campus, i really don’t use my car all that much but when i do its because i have to go to work or have to go somewhere. Therefore, it is a necessity. Photo: Personal Photo

6 ARTIFACT 5: PURSE Photo: CLI/AAAAAAAAGUc/HpOXi2SqjtM/s1600/pink%2Bkate%2Bspade.jpg My purse holds many of my personal belongings such as my phone, wallet, keys etc. It is something that i use everyday and it keeps me fairly organized when going places. It is easy to carry and portable, there fore I have no trouble taking it everywhere with me.

7 ARTIFACT 6: MY BED My bed, my beloved mattress and best friend. We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping, therefore it is important that we value where we lay our heads at night. The layers of blankets and soft cushion make for a comfortable place to study, watch Netflix, relax and sleep. Photo: personal photo

8 ARTIFACT 7: NETFLIX For some down time, i enjoy laying in bed and watching Netflix. This helps me relax in the midst of stressful school days. I am currently watching the series Gossip Girl and I am in love with it. This artifact gives me something to look forward to everyday. Photo: Personal photo

9 ARTIFACT 8: MAKE UP Make up is something that i absolutely love but probably don’t use enough. Although i don’t use it a lot, it is still really important to me. It makes me feel better about myself and is something fun to do when I am bored. Photo:

10 ARTIFACT 9: KAPPA ALPHA THETA Kappa Alpha Theta, my wonderful sorority filled with many of my best friends. i could go on and on about how much this sorority means to me but to keep it short i will just say this. Without KAT i would not be who i am today, i would not have some of the most kind, intelligent and beautiful girls inside and out that i get to call my sisters. I am very into my sorority and i am involved with it every single day. Photo: d27136e95/s/o/sorority_kat_symbol.jpg

11 ARTIFACT 10: SHOES Photo: I have always loved shoes whether it be wedges or tennis. I love them all. A persons shoes can really show who they are; i know mine definitely do. Although they are quite fashionable, shoes are very important to everyone. They are designed to protect our feet and can be found almost anywhere.

12 ARTIFACT 11: PLANNER My planner is an essential artifact to my everyday life. This planner helps me stay organized while juggling, school, work and sorority events. It helps me keep track of my friends and families birthdays as well as reminds me of upcoming holidays. I use my planner everyday and cannot seem to imagine an unprepared and unorganized life without it. Photo: SHvVmoFvv4/VWdXbAc_1sI/AAAAAAAADCk/RUzhKVYMoHg/s1600/IMG_1615.JPG SHvVmo

13 ARTIFACT 12: KITTEN (BOO) Meet Boo, my 10 week old calico kitten. She is such a sweet yet sassy bundle of joy. She makes me so happy and always does the cutest things that make my day. She keeps me company and forces me to be responsible. I have learned things about myself through taking care of her and it makes me feel good. Photo: personal photo

14 ARTIFACT 13: SHOWER There is nothing like a relaxing hot shower at the end of a long day. Showers help me clear my head and make me feel better about myself. They help keep one clean in order to live a healthy lifestyle as well. This object serves a purpose in almost every human beings life. Photo:

15 ARTIFACT 14: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY The University of Kentucky is a very special place to me. Growing up in Lexington, I would have never thought that I would have ended up staying here for college but I am so glad that I did. I have met some of the most wonderful people here and have pinpointed my future aspirations and careers. This university has shaped me into who I am today and who I will become.

16 ARTIFACT 15: BEATS HEADPHONES I have the Solo Beats headphones made my Dr. Dre. These particular headphones are made especially for music lovers and people that simply want to block out any other surrounding noises. They are designed to comfortably fit your head and have parts that enhance the sound quality of whatever you may be listening to. I use these headphones everyday. They help block out extra noise and help me concentrate. Photo:

17 ARTIFACT 16: RINGS I enjoy wearing lots of rings on my fingers. These rings help me to express myself in more ways than just what I can say. Each ring is special to me and has story behind why I like to wear it. For example, my mom passed down her class ring to me when I was a senior in high school and I still wear it everyday. Photo (not my actual hands): https://s-media-cache-

18 ARTIFACT 17: CHAPSTICK Since Winter has definitely started to make its mark, my chapstick has become more important to me. Designed to be hand held and portable, chapstick comes with me everywhere and it is used all of the time. It saves my lips from getting dry and also gives them a little shine. Photo: f5jep8/Uqk7W9k0IAI/AAAAAAAAChM/FOlKNI6pJBY/s1600/burt's+bees+beeswax+lip+balm.png

19 ARTIFACT 18:DIET COKE Diet Coke is something that can completely effect the way that I am feeling. I am much happier when I am drinking a Diet Coke. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t drink one everyday. The taste, to me, is irresistible and although I know that it isn't very good for me, that doesn’t stop me from drinking it. &ved=0ahUKEwj3r9DnsafJAhXFKh4KHbKFD7gQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=667

20 ARTIFACT 19: JESUS CALLING This book is the perfect guide to a faithful life. Each page is written for a different day and gives advice on how to include God in your everyday life. This book relates to me almost everyday that I read it. It is almost crazy sometimes how relevant it is to what I may be going through. I try to read a page everyday in order to encourage me to be a better person. It is designed to uplift anyone who may read it and offer a clear representation of what God may say or give you at that moment. alling+book&oq=jesus+calling&gs_l=img.1.1.0l10.46982.51286.0.53425. 3.8.2030._RUbn3NnTJs

21 ARTIFACT 20:KENTUCKY This is the place that I am so thankful to call home. From steamy hot summers to freezing cold winters, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Born and raised on Kentucky basketball, horse racing and sweet tea. I sure do love my old Kentucky home and everything that it has graced me with.

22 REFLECTION  I think that these artifacts reflects my hopes and dreams of finishing school and starting a career. They show that i value friendship and expressing my self through dance as well as my style. If someone were to read this list, they would be able target some key points that surround my life and they would know many of my interest in life.  Throughout this course we have touched base on a few key topics such as culture, media and consumerism.

23 CULTURE A few artifacts that represent my culture and others are make-up, iPhone, my kitten etc. Many cultures don’t believes in the use of make up or such products that may enhance or change the way that one may look. Iphone’s and technology are a privilege because in some cultures the use of such electronics is frowned upon and not allowed. My kitten, in other cultures may be used at a meal, but for me it is a pet. Despite the cultural differences, all of my artifacts can and are used on a day to day basis.

24 MEDIA  Media is everywhere nowadays and so are a few of my artifacts. Shoes, rings, laptop, car and more are seen through the media. Since our access to media is so easy, it is even easier to find these products. The media is used to sale these products and create a brand for these products. Shoes can be sold on a commercial or in a magazine, rings can be seen and bought through Pinterest or Instagram. Almost everything can be given a purpose through the usage of media. In today’s times, media and the use of it is very popular.

25 CONSUMERISM  Almost everything is made to be bought. From my iPhone to diet coke and chap stick to Jesus Calling. Almost everything is made and manufactured to be bought by a consumer. Consumerism is how our world and even more specific our economy stays running. The buying of products whether it be a building for a dance studio or a kitten, is extremely important to the world of design. Products are designed for the people, in order to make them happy and fulfill there needs. Consumerism comes from the design of a product.

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