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By Rob, Alex, Myron, and Isaiah A fossil fuel is a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "By Rob, Alex, Myron, and Isaiah A fossil fuel is a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms."— Presentation transcript:


2 By Rob, Alex, Myron, and Isaiah

3 A fossil fuel is a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms They are known to be bad for the environment They also need to be natural resources, or resources that you can run out of Fossil fuels such as coal and oil are so important to the welfare of a country that conflicts are started and situations arise because of these scarce natural resources The U.S. uses more than a quarter of the world's supply of fossil fuels. What exactly is a fossil fuel?

4 Fossil Fuels CONT’D

5 Effects on Hydrosphere (Mis)using fossil fuels can negatively affect the hydrosphere- All the oceans and bodies of water on Earth. Many oil spills have happened throughout the years, and it always takes a hit on the oceans and wildlife in the oceans. Also, the burning of fossil fuels into the air near oceans can also pollute the water, adding to the problem.

6 Effects on Geosphere Since fossil fuels come from within the Earth, this means they come from the Geosphere- the part of the Earth that consists of land, rock formations, and the overall land geography of the planet. Excessive use of fossil fuels causes us to quickly run out of them, which is bad for the world’s economies and transportation around the world, since oil is necessary for cars to run. Coal, oil, and natural gas are found in Earth, which is how it is proven that fossil fuels have an effect on the geosphere.

7 Effects on Atmosphere As fossil fuels are burned into the air, they emit harmful gases and chemicals into the air, which is a direct impact on the Atmosphere- The air and sky around us. When fossil fuels are burned into the air, pollution settles around in the atmosphere, which can cause acid rain or haze over a city. (Like LA in the pic below) It is also important to know that these are almost always caused be human activity, and in cities it is usually caused by all the cars and transportation and congestion a city has. The more fossil fuels stay in the air, the larger the chance is that the ozone layer will diminish; causing global warming.

8 Effects on Biosphere Since fossil fuels affect almost every aspect of planet Earth, it is safe to say that it affects the Biosphere- The part of Earth consisting of life, and a sum of the other three spheres. Fossil fuels have been known to burn off harmful chemicals like CO. (Carbon Monoxide) CO is highly deadly when breathed in, and it comes directly from car exhaust as well. Humans are really taking a hit when fossil fuels are burned off into our Earth, and can really have a negative impact on our health, as we are breathing in these dangerous substances everyday.

9 Overall….. Although necessary for survival in today’s world, fossil fuels need to be cut down Too many dangerous chemicals are being put out into our Earth Fossil fuels are certainly directly causing global warming and other environmental problems In the last 50 years alone, fossil fuel use has increased over 1000% since the beginning of time, meaning that we’re using more now than ever before If we don’t stop over-using fossil fuels, not only will we keep hurting our environment, but by the year 2250 we will be OUT of oil and coal because it takes so long to manufacture and harvest If that doesn’t scare you, then maybe this will…


11 Ok that was unnecessary, but you should really think about everything in this presentation because it WILL affect generations to come, so we recommend if possible that you carpool, try to conserve energy, and try to use public transportation which would reduce CO2 usage. Thank you and we hope this presentation made you think about what’s going on, and motivated you to try to do something for our Earth!

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