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Woochun Meeting 3/26/2007. News March 27, 2007 Structures supporting the inner “cold mass” of one of the three magnets within its.

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Presentation on theme: "Woochun Meeting 3/26/2007. News March 27, 2007 Structures supporting the inner “cold mass” of one of the three magnets within its."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS@CERN Woochun Park @USC Meeting 3/26/2007

2 News March 27, 2007 Structures supporting the inner “cold mass” of one of the three magnets within its enclosing cryostat broke at a pressure of 20 atmospheres, in response to asymmetric forces applied during the test. No injury. Fermilab is responsible for the magnet. LHC experiment may be delayed. ts/2007/LHCInnerTriplet.html ts/2007/LHCInnerTriplet.html March 29, 2007 Installed the last Muon Barrel chamber. Connecting up and commissioning of the chambers soon.

3 Magnet Field Measurement The NMR system :: Intended to monitor the magnetic field strength at a small number of points in the Inner Detector volume. Four NMR probes will be installed at Z=0, R=1139 mm and equally spaced in azimuth (45, 135, 225, 315 degree). m-v2.doc m-v2.doc Hall Probes System: 1500 sensors R/physics_tdr/printout/Volume_I/letter/Mass_sc (Ch.12.4.3) R/physics_tdr/printout/Volume_I/letter/Mass_sc

4 Introduction : Comparison High L1 rate Large events Ambitious trigger and data acquisition.



7 L1 Trigger Maximum output rate ~100kHz limited by sub-detector readout system capabilities and L2 trigger. Data are held in pipeline memories. RoI (Region of Interest) would trigger; high p T, electrons, photons, jets, muons. Muon and Calo information is used in separate L1 processor. ID is not used. Threshold eg: Jets 8, FWJets 2*4 EM: 8-16, Tau: 8-10 Etsum, Etsum(jets), ETmiss = 4,4,4 Muon 6



10 CSC Waveform Sampling ATLAS Environment 25ns beam bunch spacing  40MHz rate CSC maximum drift time 35ns Need to cover 100 ns any time with maximum drift time considered. 20MHz sampling (50ns) is selected. workshops/LEB00_Book/muon/vetter_muon.pdf workshops/LEB00_Book/muon/vetter_muon.pdf workshops/LEB00_Book/daq/vetter.pdf workshops/LEB00_Book/daq/vetter.pdf Minimum Drift timeMaximum Drift time Minimum Drift timeMaximum Drift time

11 Sparsification The on-detector electronics amplifies and shapes the cathode strip signals, and stores the pulse height information during the level 1 trigger latency. Upon receipt of a “level 1 trigger accept”, four time samples are digitized and transmitted via high-speed fiber-optic G-Links to off- detector electronics. Sampling and digitization are performed on-detector but are controlled by the off-detector electronics, which consists of optical transition modules and readout drivers (RODs). There are two stages in ROD processes. Sparsification :Suppress hits below threshold and hits not associated with the current bunch crossing. Rejection : find tracks and removes isolated neutron hits. In ROD processes, C code is written by UCI graduate student. Vinnie want someone to look at this code and understand it for the future modification. 1310541 1310541

12 Hardware Met Elliott Cheu@Arizona. He has one student who work for access to database. Discuss about when we measure pedestal for CSC detector in real data taking. Plan to meet at Bldg#184 to learn how to operate CSC chambers in detail. Previously, I learn how to do it in software interface.

13 ByteStream Converter for cosmic data ByteStreamConverter takes more while than expected. There is an issue of mapping from a series of four chambers to the real detector installation. For cosmic data, standalone code might be more useful to measure resolution, alignment, etc. Better use standalone code to analyze cosmic data and understand calibration/alignment.

14 SW Development I am in 13.0.X-MIG nightlies version for SW development. Then, there are seven releases rel_0,……, rel_6 for Sunday,……, Saturday. Every midnight, they collect the latest versions of all the packages and compile them to make rel_X for the next day.

15 There are failed builds. The package failed during the compile should be updated soon. Release after Release, the number of failed will be decreased and be the official release.

16 You can check the list of failed package. CscClusterization is my working package. If you click it, you can see the compilation log file.

17 I did ‘cvs commit’ and ‘cvs tag CscClusterization-00-11-04’ recently. But, they didn’t copy the most recent one. (tag collector should do this) As shown in this example, you can see the other dependent package build up and correct it if you can with cvs co. CscClusterization-00-11-04

18 Computing Resource Initially, 50 Mb was assigned. After email to, I have 400 Mb. It could be up to 800 Mb. After email to, I got 500 Mb scratch0 disk space which isn’t backup To mount our disk space, we need to contact To install CERN linux SLC4 ( All of the software that we need for CERN should be available. Pacman, lxplus, and kerberose should all be included in the installation. Currently, SLC3 and SLC4 are being used in CERN and SLC4 will be the main one in the end. In SLC4, 32bit and 64bit are available. When you set up athena environment you should specify 32bit or 64bit as source ~/cmthome/setup.csh -tag=32,dbg,rel_3,runtime,mig WARE_MANUAL/HTML/ATLASSW/ WARE_MANUAL/HTML/ATLASSW/

19 Highlight of event in June It’s extremely helpful to get advices from experts and attend to as many presentations as possible. 4 - 7 June Trigger and Physics Week (CERN) 11 - 14 June MUON Week(CERN) 25-29 June Software and Computing Workshop (CERN) 25-26 June LHC Detector Alignment Workshop (CERN) 6 - 15 June 2007, 2 nd CERN-Fermi lab Hadron Collider Physics Summer school 02 - 06 July. Inner Detector Week (CERN) Visit CERN in the beginning of June for a month. 9 – 14 JulyATLAS Week in Glasgow, Scotland 3 – 5 SepMuon Week in CERN 8 – 12 OctATLAS Week in CERN 5 – 8 NovT/P Week in CERN 12-15 NovMuon Week in CERN (Probably) Visit CERN in September, October or November

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