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By Louis Sachar.  About Louis Sachar (Holes bookfile pg 8)  How Holes came about (Holes bookfile pg 9)  Juvenile Justice (Holes lit circle guide pg.

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Presentation on theme: "By Louis Sachar.  About Louis Sachar (Holes bookfile pg 8)  How Holes came about (Holes bookfile pg 9)  Juvenile Justice (Holes lit circle guide pg."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Louis Sachar

2  About Louis Sachar (Holes bookfile pg 8)  How Holes came about (Holes bookfile pg 9)  Juvenile Justice (Holes lit circle guide pg 10)  Women of the West (Holes lit circle guide pg 12)

3  Perseverance: (p 8 par 7) continuing to do something despite the difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement  Barren/Desolate: (p 11 par 4) unproductive; unfruitful, empty, bare  Convicted: to prove or declare guilty of an offense  Hastily: moving or acting quickly; with great speed  Hole Multi Text Study pg 9

4  Do you think its true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one? Is this a fair punishment? What are some other unpleasant things you’ve heard about that are supposed to “build character”?  Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means? Have you ever learned from failure?  If you were given a choice between Camp Green Lake and jail, which would you choose and why? If Stanley had known what Camp Green Lake was really like, do you think he would make the same decision?


6  Seemingly: (p 24 par 4) apparently; as far as one knows  Destiney: (p 25 par 3)  Fate or good fortune  Despicable: (p 25 par 3)  something that is appalling, disgusting, or disgraceful  Hole Multi Text Study pg 9

7  Stanley Yelants  Mr. Sir  Mr. Pendanski = mom  Rex = X-ray  Alan = Squid  Jose = Magnet  Theodore = Armpit  Ricky = ZigZag  Zero

8  Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “mom”? Does this nickname fit him?  Why don’t the boys believe Stanley when he tells them he stole the sneakers?

9  How does Stanley almost get in a fight?  Who is Caveman?  What does Stanley find after digging his first hole?  Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.  What does Stanly learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?  Why do you think the boys always line up for water in the same order? What is the significance to this order?  Why does Stanley make Camp Green Lake seem like a real camp to in his letter to his mom?

10  How is Elya’s experiences related to Stanley’s life now? Why did the author include that flashback?

11  Defective: (p 27 par 7) having a flaw or imperfection  Excavated: (p 34 par 2) to leave empty or remove from a place  Compacted: (p 34 par 2) joined or packed together; closely and firmly un ited  Reluctantly: (p 34 par 3) unwilling, hesitant  Preposterous: very foolish or silly

12  Scowled: angrily frowning  Aimlessly: not having a goal or purpose  Sifted: to have gone through something carefully in order to find an object  Envious: a feeling of wanting what someone else has; jealous  Upholstery: the cloth that covers a couch or other furniture

13  What does X-Ray ask Stanley to do? Why does Stanley agree to do this?  What does Stanley gain when he agrees to help X-Ray? What does he lose?  Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?  How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?  Explain what Stanley finds in his hole. What do you think the initials KB mean? What kind of connection might this gold tube have to the past?  How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?  Describe the Warden.  Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?

14  Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?

15  Agony: extreme pain  Writhed: to have twisted your bodt from sis to side  Recede: to slowly fade away  Dread: a fear that something will happen  Shrill: a loud, high-pitched sound  Moisture: a small amount of liquid that makes something wet

16  According to Zigzag, how does the Warden know the boys’ names?  Why did Zero not understand the joke in Stanley’s letter?  Explain the change in digging.  What does Stanley know that the Warden doesn’t?  Explain the situation in which Stanley gets hurt.  What indications are there that the Warden is getting impatient?

17  Can you think of some reasons why Zero might not be familiar with any nursery rhymes or the show Sesame Street?  What does Stanley find out about ZigZag?  Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters?

18  Were you surprised to discover the Warden is a woman?  Do you think ZigZag and the other campers are correct in believing the Warden is always watching them, or are they just being paranoid?  Why does Stanley tell Mr. Sir that he stole the sunflower seeds? What would you have done?

19  Deposited  Astonished  Spewed  Drawl  Quivering

20  Why do you think Zero Finishes his hole?  Why doesn’t Stanley worry that Zero is looking over his shoulder?  How did Magnet get his nickname?  Explain what happens with the sunflower seeds.  Explain what happens when Mr. Sir takes Stanley to the Warden.  What surprised Stanley when he returned to his hole?  How was Stanley able to tell that Zero had dug his hole?  How did Stanley’s great-grandfather claim to have survived in the desert?  Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters?

21  How does Mr. Sir get back at Stanley? Do you think it is Stanley’s fault that Mr. Sir got scratched?  Does the portrait the author paints of Green Lake seem realistic? Can you point to any details that strike you as too good to be true?

22  Does it seem like Sam is a respected member of Green Lake community? Why or why not?  Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him?  What deal do Stanley and Zero work out?  What insight did Stanley have about the tube he found in his hole?  Describe Green Lake 110 years ago.  How did Mr. Sir respond when asked about his face?  Who is Katherine Barlow?  Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow?  Describe Trout Walker.

23  Based on the facts the author gives you, can you answer the question, “Whom did God punish”? Why or why not?  Why don’t you think other boys approve of Sanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys?

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