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ACT Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson Six. antipathy – (n.) an intense dislike So great was her feeling of antipathy that she was afraid that it showed in.

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1 ACT Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson Six

2 antipathy – (n.) an intense dislike So great was her feeling of antipathy that she was afraid that it showed in her face. Synonyms aversion Antonyms affinity

3 elucidate – (v.) to make clear To elucidate his theory, he drew a large diagram on the board. Synonyms explain clarify Antonyms obscure

4 imminent – (adj.) likely to happen; threatening Though the danger was imminent, the crew seemed quite relaxed. Synonyms impending approaching Antonyms distant delayed

5 banal – (adj.) common; ordinary His banal remarks quickly bored the entire class. Synonyms trivial insipid Antonyms original fresh

6 obdurate – (adj.) stubborn; hardhearted The young boy was obdurate in his refusal to make any trade. Synonyms inflexible obstinate Antonyms compliant amenable

7 peruse – (v.) to read carefully; scrutinize Bob peruses the classified ads every day to try to find a part-time job.

8 bedlam – (n.) a noisy uproar; a scene of wild confusion The concert hall was sheer bedlam until the rock star appeared. Synonyms mayhem chaos

9 affluence – (n.) wealth; richness Paul earned his fortune without relying on the affluence of his family. Synonyms fortune

10 scurrilous – (adj.) coarsely abusive; vulgar The scurrilous patrons of the saloon were often seen shouting and fighting. Synonyms indecent Antonyms respectable

11 parody – (n.) a work which imitates another in a ridiculous manner Joan’s parody of the English teacher was funny to everyone but the English teacher. Synonyms caricature burlesque lampoon

12 sedulous – (adj.) hard working; diligent Everyone knew Jason would get ahead in the world because he was sedulous in all he undertook. Synonyms studious assiduous Antonyms lazy lax

13 onerous – (adj.) burdensome; heavy; hard to endure The doctor had the onerous job of informing the family of the child’s death. Synonyms crushing distressing

14 amoral – (adj.) lacking a sense of right and wrong The amoral henchmen obeyed all of the boss’s orders, no matter how despicable. Synonyms corrupt evil Antonyms innocent virtuous

15 eschew – (v.) to keep away from; to avoid; to shun The minister advised the congregation to eschew temptation. Antonyms embrace welcome

16 denouement – (n.) an outcome; result The novel would have been exciting if it were not for the boring denouement. Synonyms conclusion

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